Old Middleton Road and Craig Avenue Resurfacing

Project Details

  • Location

    • 5418 Old Middleton Rd
      Madison, WI 53705
  • Status

  • Estimated Schedule

  • Impact

  • Alder District

    District 11
    District 19
  • Contract Number

Project Information

Project Update

4/3/2023 Update: 

Construction work on Craig Avenue is scheduled to start the first week of April, 2023. Construction will be split in 2 phases to minimize on-street parking impacts. Phase 1 will start 400’ south of Brody Dr and will end at the south end cul-de-sac. Phase 2 will start 400’ south of Brody Dr and will end at the intersection with University Ave. The total project duration will be 4 months approximately, 2 months per phase. Construction on phase 1 will start the first week of April and construction on phase 2 will start the first week of June. While construction work is happening on phase 1, on-street parking will be available on Craig Ave on the phase 2 limits. Please note that parking will be available on one side of the street only.

To request accommodations for special needs or disabilities, please contact the project engineer, Fadi El Musa Gonzalez at felmusagonzalez@cityofmadison.com

Project Overview

The City of Madison is proposing the resurfacing of Old Middleton Rd and Craig Ave. to take place in 2022. The proposed work includes complete replacement of the existing pavement, sanitary sewer main, sewer laterals, and storm sewer. Sections of water main will be replaced as needed. Sections of curb, gutter, driveway aprons, and sidewalk will be replaced due to condition or as needed in order to replace a sanitary sewer lateral from the new main to the property line.

Craig Ave. Overview Plan
Document: Declaration of the Trillium Condominium
Document: First Amendment to Declaration of the Trillium Condominium
Document: Fact and Details Sheet

Project Limits

Old Middleton Road: Capital Ave. to west of Segoe
Craig Avenue: University Ave to south end.

Backyard Sanitary and Water Service Relocation

In specific locations, sanitary sewer mains and water mains were installed behind homes. In these locations, private fences, outbuildings and landscaping have made it difficult for City crews to maintain the utilities. City Engineering and City Water Utility are proposing to install larger mains within the roadway right-of-way during street improvements. This work will require property owners to relocate their sanitary sewer and water main services from the back of their homes to the front of their homes. As part of this required work, the City of Madison will reimburse property owners for a portion of the work under the City’s plumbing conversion with sewer relocation funding policy and under the Madison Water Utility service replacement reimbursement policy for water service relocation of a 50/50 cost share up to $1,500 of total cost.

Read the original plumbing conversion policy adopted by the Common Council.

Revised 2022 sanitary sewer lateral reimbursement rate table

Project Schedule

Bid Advertisement: Jan. 20, 2022
Start of Construction: mid-April 2022

Public Involvement

There are a number of points of contact during this project where the public is encouraged to give feedback as part of public information meetings and public hearings. Dates, times and locations are indicated below:

Public Information Meetings

City Process, Meetings

Transportation Commission: 10/27/2021
Transportation Commission: 11/17/2021
Transportation Commission: 12/8/2021
Board of Public Works: 1/5/2022
Common Council: 1/18/2022

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