Metro Transit Receives Grant Funding to Develop North/South BRT Line


The City of Madison recently awarded $670,000 from Federal Transit Administrations’ grants under the Areas of Persistent Poverty Program . The grant will be applied towards the development of Metro’s future north/south Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line. The entire cost of the project is $950,000.

The north/south BRT line will provide high-quality service to low-income families on the north and south sides of Madison by reducing the number of times residents need to transfer, reducing overcrowding on buses and providing more direct access to jobs, school, healthcare, grocery stores and other services.

Madison’s BRT system which will operate more frequently, provide faster service between stops, utilize new high quality boarding stations, and feature larger buses that hold more passengers is currently being developed. BRT routes are expected to launch in the summer of 2023 with the implementation of Metro’s complete network redesign. BRT stations and larger buses will start becoming available in 2024.

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Alder Charles Myadze

Alder Charles Myadze

District 18
Contact Alder Myadze