Updates & Week of Jan. 11 Meetings of Interest for District 2
postedSpecial Note: Due to a State law, alders running for reelection in the April 2021 election are advised not to use city resources to communicate with constituents using mass emails and posts. For that reason, I am sending this update from my personal email and via non-city social media. Until this interpretation of the law changes or I am re-elected, I'll be sending mass communications via these means. Please continue to use district2@cityofmadison.com to contact me with input and questions on city issues.
District 2 Updates and Meetings of Interest
City meetings remain online only with details listed in City Meetings of Interest below; all have virtual public participation options.
Stay in touch with your neighbors through either Capitol Neighborhoods, Inc., Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood Association, or Campus Area Neighborhood Assoc.
There are four sections to this week's update:
- Racial Equity & Policing
- COVID-19 Resources & Information
- Other District 2 Updates
- City Meetings of Interest to District 2
The city meetings listed below include items that are related to racial equity or are related to law enforcement. See the agenda listings below for:
Facilities Programs and Fees Subcommittee (Parks)
Finance Committee
Police and Fire Commission
Body-Worn Camera Feasibility Review Committee (2 meetings)
Task Force on Structure of City Government Ad Hoc Final Report Implementation Work Group
Public Safety Review Committee
Board of Health for Madison and Dane County
Police Civilian Oversight Board

From Public Health Madison & Dane County:
- COVID-19 vaccine webpage
- Is Your Breakroom Helping Spread COVID?
- What's Allowed in Emergency Order #11?
- The latest Data Notes
- Current and Past Public Health Orders
- Data Dashboard
- Testing Sites and Info
- Español: COVID-19 and Hmoob: COVID-19
Read about the temporary halt in residential evictions from the Tenant Resource Center - Note this has been extended to Jan. 31.
Free COVID-19 Testing to Continue at Alliant Energy Center for at Least Three More Months
Due Date Extended to June 30, 2021 for License Renewals
City of Madison Announces New Healthy Community Food Systems Fund
Free hotline to be connected with a "Financial Navigator".
COVID-19 Recovery Dashboard that tracks Madison's long-term community and economic recovery from COVID-19.
For information on Madison's responses visit the City's Coronavirus Website. There you will find links to City Service Updates, Resources for Businesses.
From MMSD: Neighborhood Food Sites and from Community Action Coalition: Dane County Food Pantry Network
From the City: Community Resources Section on the city's COVID website, including housing and eviction information
City Program to Support Small Businesses Underway
The Governor's Office compilation of all COVID-19 resources and information from state agencies, including the State Dept. Public Health
From the Downtown Madison Business Improvement District: Ways to Support Downtown Madison
Info on UW-Madison's response to the pandemic at this site

From the Mayor: City Buildings and Fleet Named Dane County Climate Champions
The City has created an exciting new grant program: the Community Food Access-Competitive Grants Program.
Madison Public Library, Forward Madison and The Flock Surprise Local 12-Year-Old Author Tikeh Tazeh
A Message from the Streets Division-This Winter will be Different
Get Involved with the Homeless Services Consortium of Dane County (includes how to donate)

Jan. 14 Neighborhood Meeting on 126 Langdon Proposal
On Jan. 14 at 5:30pm, I will host a virtual neighborhood meeting via Zoom to begin the neighborhood evaluation process for the new proposal submitted to the city by Core Spaces for 126 Langdon St. As many know, a previous proposal for the same site was not approved by Plan Commission in July 2020. Core Spaces has altered the proposal in several ways that we will hear about at the neighborhood meeting. Changes include redesigning the Langdon Street section, two additional delivery parking stalls, and a reduction in bedrooms from 376 to 351. Details can be seen here.After the neighborhood meeting the Campus Area Neighborhood Association, in whose area 126 Langdon is located, will form a steering committee to work with the neighbors and developer to further evaluate the new proposal. I understand that Mansion Hill neighbors will be welcome to participate since they led the process on the earlier proposal version prior to the formation of CANA. Please notify neighbors who might want to attend but may not see this notification.
Note that this proposal is considered a new proposal by the city, so the process is starting from the beginning. It is anticipated that the proposal may go to Plan Commission in February, but the schedule will be determined as the neighborhood process unfolds. I look forward to seeing you on Jan. 14, but if you are unable to attend I appreciate your contacting me with input. I will keep folks posted about the steering committee process via the CANA and Mansion Hill District email lists.
You must register to attend the meeting via this link. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Madison Community Meal in Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Overture Center for the Arts and Little John's Kitchens are working to bring us together for a community meal on Monday January 18, 2021, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. There are several ways to participate:
- Community Support - Visit participating businesses January 11 - 17, 2021
- Donate a Meal - Add $5 per meal to your total at checkout
- We All Enjoy a Meal - Order a Madison Community Meal, pick it up between noon - 6pm on the 18th, and join the virtual celebrations of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. safe at home.
- Sponsor or Order a Meal
Details on all the participation options are here and the Facebook event is here.

Ice Skating in Madison Parks
In this edition of Winter Recreation News you'll get the inside edge as we jump right in and take ice skating for a spin in Madison Parks. The when, the how, the who, and of course, the where. Included are details about ice grooming and ice depth at the lagoons and rinks.
Volunteer Opportunities in District 2 City Parks
Interested in helping City Parks in our neighborhoods? There are several volunteer opportunities in District 2:
Friends of James Madison Park
This is new group forming to support one the most popular parks in the city. Visit and like their Facebook page here. Email David Waugh for more information about their virtual monthly meetings and activities.
Period Garden Park
Period Garden, the hidden gem of our Parks system, is a Victorian-era neighborhood park at 110 E. Gorham that is full of spectacular flowers and ornamental plants and trees, all planted, supported, and maintained by volunteers. More information and how to get involved at the park website.
Friends of Reynolds Park
The Friends of Reynolds Park have been working on planting an edible fruit garden in the park, maintaining the climbing vine fence garden and the corner garden at Dayton and Paterson and advocating for park policy issues related to banning alcohol and allowing dogs. This active group welcomes new members - contact Scott Favour for info.
Tenney Park
Currently there is not an active Friends group for Tenney Park, but there is so much going on at Tenney that a volunteer to chair a Friends group would be fantastic. If you're interested or have questions, contact TLNA Parks Chair Pat Kelly.
Curious about the Salvation Army Women's Shelter?
The Salvation Army at 630 E. Washington has provided an Information Sheet for both prospective clients and for neighbors who want to know more about their operations and services. The purpose of this specific info sheet is for street outreach workers and medical staff to be able to provide more information to non-male identifying individuals that are unsheltered and/or folks that may have questions/concerns about coming into shelter. The sheet shows some of the precautions that are taken to protect guests and staff from COVID-19 and also outlines some of the new things that come along with operating a 24/7 shelter. Note that it is anticipated that the shelter will keep its current configuration until the pandemic subsides. Even then, it is assumed that the temporary family shelter location on Milwaukee Street will be up and running so families are likely to remain housed there until the Salvation Army redevelops its E. Washington site. The opening of the shelter component of the redevelopment is planned for 2024.
E. Gorham Resurfacing Project at Common Council on Jan. 19
The 2021 E. Gorham project will be on the Jan. 19 Common Council agenda. I will publish participation details next weekend when they are available, but you are always welcome to contact me with your input. The project was approved by the Board of Public Works on Jan. 6. View the current Project Plan.
The project team made several updates to the plan based on input received at the informational meeting, through emails, and from the Transportation Commission. A summary of the project details and an updated plan can be found in the project overview section here. At that project webpage you can also sign up to receive future email updates.
The most remarked upon aspect of this resurfacing between N. Baldwin and N. Butler Streets is the plan to put in a bike lane between Baldwin and Brearly and the accompanying reconfiguration of street parking and associated loss of street trees. Many enhancements are also planned related to traffic calming and pedestrian/bike safety as part of the project. I support the compromise that city staff devised that balances the needs of cyclists and vehicle parkers.

New Podcast:" I want to ride my bicycle"
A conversation about winter bike path snow removal and even more of an understanding of our biking community on why they want to bike in the cold temperatures, in addition to why it's important Engineering keeps up with the demand for clear bike paths year round! Listen to this fun conversation with Engineering's Ryan Schmidt and District 15 Alder and Co-Founder Madison Bikes Grant Foster.
Listen/Share: link.chtbl.com/Eng
Below are some pertinent agenda items from city committees that are meeting this week. If you click on meeting "Details" below, you will find participation and viewing options, and a link to the full meeting agenda. If you click on a item from within an agenda, you will see all documents that relate to that item.
I appreciate hearing from you on any items on which you have a particular interest or concern.
Facilities Programs and Fees Subcommittee (Parks): Details
4:00pm, Monday, Jan. 11, 2021
Agenda Item 7
Fee Modification Reports for 2019 and 2020
The Board of Park Commissioners approved File# 49380 "Authorizing the Parks Superintendent to Approve Fee Modifications for Use of Parks Space" in October 2017.
Fee modifications for events and uses that do not fit within the standard fee structures may be approved by the Parks Superintendent and can allow the Parks Division to respond to the needs of park users in a timely, practical manner. Situations where fee modifications may be used include:
- Legacy user groups that predate the establishment of a new fee and have mitigating circumstances that need to be addressed with a fee modification.
- A pilot concept for a use that would have minimal impact, only occur at one park location and does not have an established fee in the Park Division fee schedule.
- Uses that align with the citywide goal of Racial Equity and Social Justice.
Fee modifications are developed by staff and must meet a number of requirements as defined in this action, and in some situations may be required to be reviewed by Board of Park Commissioners prior to implementation. The Parks Superintendent is required to provide an annual report to the Board of Park Commissioners on all fee modifications. Due to staffing shortages and the onset of the Coronavirus pandemic, the 2019 Fee Modification Report had not been reported yet.
Note: the 2019 and 2020 fee exception reports can be found here.
Finance Committee: Details
4:30pm, Monday, Jan. 11, 2021
Agenda Item 9
Authorizing a non-competitive service contract with Destree Design Architects, Inc. for professional architectural and engineering consulting services for the Tenney Park Beach Shelter. (2nd AD)
Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes a non-competitive service contract with Destree Design Architects, Inc. for design services for the Tenney Park Beach Shelter at a total estimated cost of $80,000. Funding is available in the 2021 Adopted Capital Budget for Engineering Park Facility Improvements (Munis 10564). No additional appropriation is required.
Note: This item refers to design services for a Prototype Park Shelter/Restroom building for the Tenney Park Beach Shelter that will also house the mechanicals for a new beach enclosure system that will improve water quality for swimmers. That enclosure is expected to be installed late in 2021 or early in 2022.
Agenda Item 11
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Center for Black Excellence & Culture (CBEC) and allocate $250,000 from the $2.5 million 2021 Small Business Equity & Recovery (SBER) program in the Department of Planning & Community & Economic Development Capital Budget to be used for CBEC predevelopment costs.
Agenda Item 16
A Resolution authorizing a noncompetitive contract with Maxim Healthcare Staffing Services, Inc. to support Public Health in COVID-19 testing, contact tracing and vaccine administration.
Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes a noncompetitive contract with Maxim Healthcare Staffing Services, Inc. to support Public Health in COVID-19 testing, contact tracing and vaccine administration. In 2020, the contract for these services has been held between the Dane County Department of Administration and Maxim Healthcare Staffing Services, Inc. and paid for through the County COVID Relief Fund allocation. The Dane County contract expires on February 1, 2021.
This resolution authorizes Public Health enter into a purchase of service contract with Maxim Healthcare Staffing Services, Inc. to continue the services for the 1st quarter of 2021 at a cost of $1,000,000. Funding is available for the contract.
Public Health anticipates additional grant funding to continue the program in 2021 at which time a resolution will be brought forth to amend the budget. If additional grant funding is not available, Public Health may propose to fund the program through the use of fund balance. Public Health is projected to add $9 million to their fund balance in 2020.
Agenda Item 20
A Resolution waiving all Street Vending fees under MGO 9.13 for the 2021-2022 vending season and extending existing vending licenses for vendors in good standing from the 2020-2021 season to the 2021-2022 season.
Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes the waiver of street vending fees for the 2021-2022 season. This is an extension of adopted RES-20-00333 (File 60117) and RES-20-00585 (File 61272), both of which waived and refunded street vending fees for the 2020-2021 season. The fee waiver will likely have the same revenue loss as estimated for 2020 at $232,000. The estimated loss assumes no fee collection for basic street vending, food vending, late night vending, campus vending, mall vending, and sidewalk cafes.
Agenda Item 32
A Resolution Amending the 2021 Public Health Operating Budget to accept $146,477 from the WI Department of Health Services and creating a project Disease Intervention Specialist position to expand needle exchange services.
Agenda Item 33
Report on Voluntary Time Away Programs
Note: This memo details expected savings if employees are granted voluntary time away in 2021. Other options to address a $1.2 million budget shortfall include furloughs and a Work Share program - see details in the memo.
Water Quality Technical Advisory Committee: Details
5:00pm, Monday, Jan. 11, 2021
Agenda Item 1
Water Utility Board Fluoride Review: A Presentation by WI DHS Staff
Agenda Item 2
PFAS Update and Discussion
Police and Fire Commission: Details
5:30pm, Monday, Jan. 11, 2021
Note: The agenda for this meeting deals primarily with personnel matters for MFD and MPD. See "Details" above for agenda.
Plan Commission: Details
5:30pm, Monday, Jan. 11, 2021
Conditional Use Requests & Demolition Permits
Agenda Item 5
Amended: 1402 S Park Street; 13th Ald. Dist.: Consideration of a conditional use in the Traditional Shopping Street (TSS) District for a mixed-use building exceeding 25,000 square feet of floor area for a mixed-use or multi-tenant building; consideration of a conditional use in the TSS District for a building exceeding three (3) stories and 40 feet; consideration of a conditional use in the TSS District for a mixed-use building with greater than 24 dwelling units; consideration of a conditional use in the TSS District for a mixed-use building with less than 75% non-residential ground floor area; consideration of a conditional use pursuant to Section 28.65(3)(b) for a building with a rear yard height transition to a residential district exceeding the height and/or ratio limitation; and consideration of a conditional use per Section 28.141(13)(b) to reduce the number of off-street loading spaces required; all to allow construction of a six-story mixed-use building with approximately 25,000 square feet of commercial space and 150 apartments.
Note: This item is the redevelopment of the former location of the Truman Olson Army Reserve Center.
Agenda Item 11
Amending Table 28D-2, Madison General Ordinance Section 28.061 and amending Table 28F-1, Madison General Ordinance Section 28.082, in order to allow the Counseling/Community Services Organization as a permitted use in the Limited Mixed Use (LMC), Neighborhood Mixed-Use (NMX), Traditional Shopping Street (TSS), Mixed-Use Center (MXC), Commercial Corridor-Transitional (CC-T), Commercial Corridor (CC), Traditional Employment (TE), Suburban Employment (SE), Suburban Employment Center (SEC), and Employment Center (EC) Districts and amending Section 28.211, Counseling/Community Service Organization, of the Madison General Ordinances.
This ordinance allows Counseling/Community Service Organizations as permitted uses in designated Mixed-Use and Commercial Districts and Employment Districts. This amendment will amend the zoning code to treat Counseling/Community Service Organizations similar to other office uses in these districts. As seen in the charts detailing the amendment, this adds the Counseling/Community Services organization use as a new permitted use in the LMX, MXC, and CC Districts, where it was previously prohibited, and changes the use from a conditional to permitted use in the NMX, TSS, CC-T, TE, SE, SEC, and EC Districts. Finally, this ordinance amends the definition of Counseling/Community Service Organization to provide more detail and clarification regarding this use.
Body-Worn Camera Feasibility Review Committee: Details
6:00pm, Monday, Jan. 11, 2021
Agenda Item 2
Discussion of Final Recommendation and Report
Ad Hoc Landmarks Ordinance Review Committee: Details
5:30pm, Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2021
Agenda Item 2
Draft Historic Preservation Ordinance -Discussion of Options to Finalize the Historic District Standards
Madison Arts Commission: Details
5:30pm, Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2021
Agenda Item 7
Arts and Culture Economic Recovery
- Staff report
- There will be a virtual meeting related to planning for music sector recover on January 19, 2021 at noon. MAC members are welcome to attend.
Madison Food Policy Council: Details
6:00pm, Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2021
Agenda Item 1
Food Access, Relief, and Economic Support Work Group - January 2021
Agenda Item 2
Food Systems Recovery and Resilience Work Group - January 2021
Agenda Item 3
Regional Agriculture and Food Sovereignty Work Group - January 2021
Agenda Item 4
Business Development Specialist, Food Systems - January 2021
Agenda Item 5
Public Health Madison & Dane County - January 2021
Agenda Item 6
Extension Dane County UW-Madison - January 2021
Agenda Item 7
Community Gardens - January 2021
Agenda Item 8
Madison Metropolitan School District - January 2021
Agenda Item 9
Public Market Development Committee - January 2021
Street Use Staff Commission: Details
10:00am, Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2021
Agenda Item 2
Monday, January 18, 2021 / 11am - 7pm
Parking Only: 200 block of MLK Jr. Blvd
Drive up and walk up community meal pickup
Madison's Central Business Improvement District / Tiffany Kenney
Update on Event Issues - construction, proposals, procedures, changes in process, event information, etc.
Agenda Item 3
Note: Draft calendar available here.
Task Force on Structure of City Government Ad Hoc Final Report Implementation Work Group: Details
11:30am, Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2021
Agenda Item 2
Update on Notice of Advisory Referendum Questions on Government Structure Attachments
Agenda Item 3
Identification of Necessary Steps to Inform the Electorate on Advisory Referendum Questions on Government Structure
Agenda Item 4
Planning Schedule and Topics for CCEC and Committee of the Whole Discussions
Agenda Item 5
Discussion of Next Steps on the Administrative Services Staff Team
Agenda Item 6
Continue Discussion of TFOGS Recommendations
Urban Design Commission: Details
4:30pm, Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2021
Agenda Item 6
100 N. Hamilton Street - Addition to Madison Children's Museum to Create a New Outdoor Exhibit Area. 4th Ald. Dist.
Owner: Madison Children's Museum
Applicant: Josh Wilcox, GBA architecture|design
Initial/Final Approval is Requested
Transportation Commission: Details
5:00pm, Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2021
Agenda Item 9
Referring to the TPPB as a policy issue: Discussion regarding what should be considered the most important priority - installing bump-outs for the safety of pedestrians versus not installing bump-outs because snow plowing staff has indicated they encounter difficulties when trying to plow around bump-outs. TC supports the installation of bump-outs where appropriate and views safety as the higher priority.
5 mins
Agenda Item 10
Reviewing and Approving Traffic Calming Subcommittee Summary Report Recommendations and Request for Extending Report Deadline to April 15, 2021
15 mins
Agenda Item 11
Advisory Bike Lanes Presentation
Agenda Item 12
Approval of Bus Pads to be Constructed in 2021
30 mins
Agenda Item 13
Update on Traffic Calming Subcommittee
5 mins
Public Safety Review Committee: Details
5:00pm, Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2021
Agenda Item 1
Report from the Madison Fire Department
Agenda Item 2
Report from the Madison Police Department
Agenda Item 3
Report recent gun violence
Agenda Item 4
Madison Police Department's Response to OIR/Ad Hoc Committee Reports (7/13/20) - Interim MPD Chief, Vic Wahl
Agenda Item 5
Direction of the Public Safety Review Committee/2021 PSRC Workplan
Agenda Item 6
Creating a listening session of the Madison Fire Departments Crisis Response
Agenda Item 7
Report: Madison Police Department on Tear Gas Usage & Alternatives (As requested by RES-20-00707, Legislative File No. 61265)
Note: Report available here.
Agenda Item 9
Update from Anglim on further research efforts - Our response to other community demands and initiatives (Breonna's law, 8 to abolition, NAACP and WSJ article)
Agenda Item 11
Policy Subcommittee Report
Agenda Item 12
Budget Subcommittee Report
Agenda Item 13
OIR Subcommittee Report
Board of Health for Madison and Dane County: Details
5:00pm, Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2021
Agenda Item 3
COVID-19 Response Update for January 13, 2021
City of Madison Resolutions
Agenda Item 5
A Resolution Amending the 2021 Public Health Operating Budget to accept $146,477 from the WI Department of Health Services and creating a project Disease Intervention Specialist position to expand needle exchange services.
Agenda Item 9
Violence Prevention Unit Update for January 13, 2021
Education Committee: Details
5:30pm, Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2021
Agenda Item 3
Revisit Items Identified in March 11, 2020 minutes including Membership and Committee priorities
- Identify potential cost for providing bus passes to youth that qualify for free or reduced lunch and the cost to provide for all middle and high school youth.
- Review articles regarding other Cities and youth bus passes
- Affordable housing for staff, students and their families
- Status of Mental Health Programs provided in Schools
- Impact on committee membership based on identified priorities
- Identify next steps
Board of Park Commissioners: Details
6:30pm, Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2021
Agenda Item 6
Superintendent of Parks
Note: Report available here.
Agenda Item 9 NEW BUSINESS
Agenda Item 12
Update on 2019 and 2020 Fee Modifications
Agenda Item 9
Violence Prevention Unit Update for January 13, 2021
Police Civilian Oversight Board: Details
5:00pm, Thursday, Jan. 14 2021
Agenda Item 2
Introduction to the National Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement and Board Training Discussion Initial Training Proposal
Agenda Item 3
Establishment of Special Rules for Board Meetings
Agenda Item 4
Discussion of Request to the Common Council to Amend MGO 5.20 to Add Vice Chair to Executive Subcommittee and Increase the Number of Executive Subcommittee Members to Five
Community Development Block Grant Committee: Details
5:30pm, Thursday, Jan. 14, 2021
Agenda Item 2
Presentations from Applicants in the 2020 Housing Forward RFP Process
January 14 Presentations:
5:30pm - Madison Area Community Land Trust
6:05pm - Housing Resources, Inc.
6:40pm - Habitat for Humanity of Dane County
7:15pm - Movin' Out, Inc.
7:50pm - Common Wealth Development, Inc.
8:25pm - Sankofa Educational Leadership United)
(Other presentations were heard at previous committee meeting
Body-Worn Camera Feasibility Review Committee: Details
6:00pm, Friday, Jan. 15, 2021
Agenda Item 2
Discussion of Final Recommendation and Report