Updates & Week of April 4 Meetings of Interest for District 2
postedDistrict 2 Updates and Meetings of Interest
City meetings remain online only with details listed in City Meetings of Interest below; all have virtual public participation options.
Stay in touch with your neighbors through either Capitol Neighborhoods, Inc. or Campus Area Neighborhood Assoc.
There are three sections to this week's update:
- COVID-19 Resources & Information
- Other District 2 Updates
- City Meetings of Interest to District 2

From Public Health Madison & Dane County:
- COVID-19 vaccine webpage
- Learn about the many testing sites in Dane County (in Spanish)
- COVID-19 Data Dashboard
- The latest Data Notes, including - cases increased during this 14-day period with an average of 71 cases per day.
Alliant Energy Center Testing and Vaccination Clinics to Close - starts on April 3. Note: Since the publication of this news release, Accelerated Clinical Laboratories made an agreement with the Alliant Energy Center to retain testing operations at a different location on site until June.
Masks Still Required on Metro Buses - The federal order remains in effect until April 18, 2022.
Dane CORE - for rental and utility assistance. If you are a renter or landlord in need of financial assistance as a result of the pandemic, you can still access financial assistance.
Visit the City's Coronavirus Website for Madison's COVID updates, responses and resources.
Dane County Food Pantry Network from Community Action Coalition.
State of Wisconsin COVID-19 resources and information from state agencies, including the State Dept. Public Health
Info on UW-Madison's response to the pandemic.

Tuesday, April 5 Election - Voters can view a sample ballot for their address on the MyVote Wisconsin website: www.MyVote.WI.gov.
City of Madison Polling Place Listing - Voters encouraged to confirm their polling place before Election Day. Voters are encouraged to confirm their polling place before Election Day, Tuesday, April 5! Many polling places in the City of Madison have changed because of redistricting.
MPD seeking community input on policing, will host focus groups as part of strategic plan - Central District Input Meeting: April 7, 6:30 - 8 p.m. Community members will need to register for the virtual meetings at this link.
City CARES Team for Mental Health Emergencies Now Answering Calls City-Wide. The Community Alternative Response for Emergency Services (CARES) Team responds to nonviolent 911 calls for mental health emergencies. The CARES Teams, made up of community paramedics and crisis workers, will spend a year learning and innovating before expanding the program in future budgets.
Fire Chief Steven Davis Retires From the Madison Fire Department
New Investment in Electric Buses Moves Madison Closer to Goal of 100% Electric BRT System
From the Parks Division - The impact of parks and opens spaces to our community is unmeasurable. While we know most Madison park visitors go uncounted, the 2021 Madison Park Annual Report, by the Numbers allows us to share a bit of our story with a few of the measurable numbers.
Volunteers Needed: Earth Day Challenge - April 23rd - volunteers still needed for several parks
From the Mayor:
Streets Division Updates
Streets Division Drop-off Site at 402 South Point Rd Now Open
New Streets Division Drop-off Site Opening at 121 E. Olin Avenue on April 4
The dates when you should set out yard waste for spring collection are available here.
The dates when you should set out brush for pickup are here.
The sign-ups for the Master Recycler class with Sustain Dane are now open! Sign up here

District 2 Voting Locations for April 5 Spring Election
Tuesday, April 5, is Spring Election Day! Every voter is encouraged to double-check their polling place before heading out to vote in April, but you can also see District 2 polling places in the map above. For a higher resolution version of the map above, click here. District 2 voting locations -
- Ward 46 - Gates of Heaven, 302 E Gorham St
- Ward 47 - Bethel Lutheran, 312 Wisconsin Ave
- Ward 48 - Lowell Center, 610 Langdon St
- Ward 49 - Hillel at the University of Wisconsin, 611 Langdon St
- Ward 50 - Chazen Museum of Art, 750 University Ave
You can check your polling place on the MyVote Wisconsin website or at www.cityofmadison.com/WhereDoIVote.
Voting Reminders from the City Clerk
- Click here to learn about what types of photo ID you can use for voting in Wisconsin.
- A recent court decision has a significant impact on how an absentee voter can return their completed absentee ballot. As a result of the decision, the use of absentee ballot drop boxes is prohibited and no one but the absentee voter is able to return their completed ballot. Find more information here.
- Voters can view a sample ballot for their address on the MyVote Wisconsin website. More details can be found here.
In-Person Absentee Voting
In-person absentee voting for the April 5 Spring Election ends April 2. The locations and schedule are listed on the City Clerk's website.
What is on the Ballot?
- Dane County Supervisors (all 37 seats)
- Madison Metropolitan School Board (3 seats)
- Dane County Circuit Court Judges (5 Districts)
- Court of Appeals Judge (1 District)

Recording Available of March 30 Downtown-Focused Transit Network Redesign Public Meeting
On Wednesday March 30th, a virtual public meeting regarding the Metro Transit Network Redesign was held. This meeting is one of many occurring throughout neighborhoods & communities, but the March 30th meeting focused on plans that serve Downtown Area Residents of Alder Districts 2, 4 and 8. You can watch a recording of that meeting, see presentation materials, and read about proposed amendments to the draft plan here.
Staff continues to analyze all feedback on Metro's Network Redesign Draft Plan and making adjustments. A survey on the draft plan (online here and in Spanish here) will be available until the end of April. You can also provide feedback by emailing MetroRedesign@cityofmadison.com.
April 5 Campus Area Neighborhood Association Virtual Town Hall
From CANA:
We have been busy over the past month with lots of engagement and city meetings. We want to make sure you are all staying in the loop with all things at CANA! This coming Tuesday, April 5th at 6:00 pm we will be hosting our monthly town hall for you all to learn about what CANA has been up to. Also, you will learn how to join us as a volunteer and support work going on in our neighborhood. We are excited to share a lot of cool initiatives we have planned for the coming months and the current work that we are building on. Hope to see you all there!
Below is the Zoom link to join:
Topic: Campus Area Neighborhood Association Town Hall
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 979 6863 6392
Find your local number: https://uwmadison.zoom.us/u/aeitsGjlmh

April 7 Capitol Neighborhoods Virtual Conversation with Sheriff Kalvin Barrett
Join your neighbors and Sheriff Kalvin Barrett for a "get-to-know-you" and a conversation about his life journey and rise to the position of Dane County Sheriff. We will also discuss his vision related to 21st century policing, law enforcement and rehabilitation, plus the status of the Dane County Jail Consolidation project.
The event will be held on April 7th, via Zoom. The program will begin at 7:00 PM and conclude at 8:00 PM.
Attendees will be able to submit questions by email at Info@CapitolNeighborhoods.org before the meeting or through the Zoom chat feature during the event. Attendees will also be able to submit questions towards the end of the event.
Topic: CNI's Virtual Conversation with Sheriff Kalvin Barrett
Time: Apr 7, 2022 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 858 6695 4282
Passcode: 171673
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kb7MJgj3I0

April 12 Neighborhood Meeting on Proposed Rooftop Terrace at Red Rock Saloon
Please join me for a virtual neighborhood meeting on Tuesday, April 12 at 6:00pm to hear about plans for Red Rock Saloon to construct a rooftop terrace on the second floor atop their existing nightclub and bar at 222 W. Gorham Street. The proposed terrace would be accessed from current second floor interior spaces via two new garage doors and two standard doors. The deck would be approximately 1,450 square feet and its occupancy is estimated at 82 patrons. The applicant plans to have the terrace open during their current operating hours and have no exterior amplified music. Red Rock Saloon is required to seek a Conditional Use Permit for this outdoor area from the Plan Commission.
Neighbors are encouraged to attend the April 12 virtual meeting to learn more about the project and ask questions about the proposal. You are also welcome to email me at district2@cityofmadison.com with any thoughts or concerns.
When the application is to be considered at Plan Commission is not yet known, but it could be in May. I will list that meeting in future Alder Updates. Anyone is welcome to attend Plan Commission meetings and give written or verbal input. Details on participation options will also be detailed in my Updates.
You can join the April 12 virtual meeting using your computer, smartphone or tablet, or you can listen in via telephone. You will receive login information after registering at this webpage.

Existing Buildings

Proposed Building
Summary of Steering Committee Meeting for 400 Block of State Redevelopment Proposal
The steering committee of the Mansion Hill District of Capitol Neighborhoods, Inc. (CNI), that is evaluating the redevelopment proposal put forth by JD McCormick Properties for 428 to 444 State Street met on March 28.
The developer proposes to demolish the existing three mixed-use buildings and construct a new six-story, mixed-use building with 26 dwelling units and a first-floor commercial space with no car parking provided. The developer will be seeking Demolition Permits and will need formal approvals from the Urban Design Commission and Plan Commission. You can find the project plans and land use application here. Note that the building's front facade is expected to change from the image above with a reduction in the number of windows in the middle of the front facade and some color/material changes in the corner sections.
At the March 28 steering committee meeting, the development team presented additional minor revisions to the building's exterior and suggest that there could be as many as 30 apartments - mostly studios with a couple of one-bedroom units possible. Some committee members voiced support for the proposed demolitions of buildings feeling that they feel are past their useful lives and not particularly historic, and support for adding more housing downtown given the city's overall housing shortage. Other committee members expressed opposition to the proposed demolitions due to finding at least two of the three buildings to be historic contributors to the fabric and character of State Street. Generally, those same members found the 4-story front facade of the proposed building to be too tall compared to most of the other buildings on State with some expressing a desire for stepbacks on the proposed building's front facade atop the 2nd or 3rd floors.
The steering committee is now preparing a report to send to the Urban Design Commission and Plan Commission. The UDC could formally consider the proposal at their April 13 meeting, but more likely is April 27. UDC's purview is limited mostly to the exterior design of the proposed building and its conformity to the Downtown Urban Design Guidelines. Plan Commission's consideration of the Demolition Permit Application and requested Conditional Uses will come after UDC sees the proposal.
If you'd like to give input, please email me at district2@cityofmadison.com.

Summary of Steering Committee Meeting for St. John's Redevelopment
The James Madison District Steering Committee that is evaluating the proposal to redevelop the St. John's Lutheran Church property at 322 E. Washington Ave. met on March 30. The development team, including Mark Binkowski and Brad Binkowski (both of ULI), Potter Lawson (architects), and St. John's, presented updates to their proposed building.
St. John's proposes to demolish their current building; construct worship and social service spaces on the first floor of a new building with 9 stories of mostly affordable apartments above, and underground parking below. The development team does not plan to break ground until 2023, but that they will be seeking city approvals this spring as well as WHEDA tax credits and other affordable housing funds later this year. If you'd like to participate in future steering committee meetings or simply join their email list, please email mariahrenz@gmail.com or bob.klebba@gmail.com.
The proposal revisions included a reduction of the building height by six feet, some exterior material changes, an increase in the number of apartments from 122 to 130, and a reduction in the underground parking garage spaces from about 100 to 65-70. The developers want to reduce costs to continue to offer 83% of the apartments to renters who make 30%, 50%, or 60% of County Median Income. They hope to provide Zipcar services to reduce the need for car parking, as well as promote bus and bicycle usage for tenants. The interior first floor spaces for St. John's, their community partners, and the general community, were also redesigned.
Eventually, the Urban Design Commission and Plan Commission approval will be required for the proposal. UDC will need to approve the proposal's conformity with Urban Design District No. 4 standards and approve their anticipated request for two additional floors on top of the eight floors allowed in this zoning district. Plan Commission will need to also approve any floors above 8, as well as the required Conditional Uses and the demolition of the current St. John's church and its additions.
Below are some pertinent agenda items from city committees that are meeting this week. If you click on meeting "Details" below, you will find participation and viewing options, and a link to the full meeting agenda. If you click on an item from within an agenda, you will see all documents that relate to that item.
I appreciate hearing from you on any agenda items on which you have a particular interest or concern.
City-County Homeless Issues Committee: Details
5:30pm, Monday, April 4, 2022
Agenda Item 2
Preliminary Car Camping Report (presentation by Dane County)
Agenda Item 3
Approving the selection of the property located at 1902 Bartillon Drive as the site for a permanent shelter facility serving men experiencing homelessness, authorizing the City's Engineering Division to undertake a competitive process to select an entity to provide architectural and engineering design services, subject to Common Council approval, and authorizing the City's Community Development Division to undertake a similar effort to select an operator for the facility, again, subject to Council approval.
Agenda Item 4
Homeless Bill of Rights Homeless Bill of Rights
Agenda Item 5
Covid-19 Response Update
Street Use Staff Commission: Details
10:00am, Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Agenda Item 2
Thursdays: 5/14, 6/9, 8/11, 9/8/2022 / 2pm-12am
Street Closure: 100-700 blocks of State St., 200-400 blocks W. Gilman St., 400 block of N. Broom St.
Annual Night Markets with vending, performers and activities hosted by Madison's Central Business Improvement District
Discuss location(s), schedule, set up and activities.
Madison's Central Business Improvement District / Tiffany Kenney
At this time, the consent agenda will be moved with the recommended action listed for each item EXCEPT:
1) items which have registrants wishing to speak.
2) items which require an extraordinary (roll call) vote and are not included on the consent agenda by unanimous consent.
3) items which Commission Members have separated out for discussion/debate purposes.
Agenda Item 8
2022 May 1 - Sept. 30, 2022
See attached for specific dates/times
No Street Closure Requesting: The Grove, The Forum, Rotary Plaza, Lisa Link Peace Park, North Frances Plaza, Confluence at Library Mall
BID summer programming
Discuss programs and schedule
Madison's Central Business Improvement District / Michelle Morrison
Note - this item is on the consent agenda.
Board of Public Works: Details
4:30pm, Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Agenda Item 15
Approving a land sale and agreements with Dane County to sell and develop portions of the Yahara Hills Golf Course as a future landfill, compost site and sustainable business park, and entering into a new solid waste agreement.
Lead agency is Finance Commmittee (4/25) with additional referrals to Board of Public Works (4/6) and Board of Park Commissioners (4/13).
Agenda Item 16
Authorizing a noncompetitive contract with New Flyer industries for up to 46, potentially all electric, Bus Rapid Transit Vehicles and approving roadway geometry for the East-West Bus Rapid Transit project.
Lead agency is Transportation Commission (4/13) with additional referrals to Board of Public Works (4/6) and Finance Committee (4/11).
Community Development Block Grant Committee: Details
5:30pm, Thursday, April 7, 2022
Agenda Item 5
Approving the selection of the property located at 1902 Bartillon Drive as the site for a permanent shelter facility serving men experiencing homelessness, authorizing the City's Engineering Division to undertake a competitive process to select an entity to provide architectural and engineering design services, subject to Common Council approval, and authorizing the City's Community Development Division to undertake a similar effort to select an operator for the facility, again, subject to Council approval.
Agenda Item 6
Accessory Dwelling Unit Lending Policy