Meetings and Updates Week of November 20
posted- Alternate Side Parking Began Nov 15th
- City Meetings: Board of Public Works 11/20, Common Council 11/21
- North Grandview Community Safety Meeting 11/20
- East District Coffee with a Cop 11/27
- Streets Division Updates
Alternate Side Parking Begins
The City of Madison’s alternate side parking restrictions began at 1 a.m. on November 15. The City enforces alternate side parking from November 15 - March 15, regardless of what the weather is like. The rule is enforced between the hours of 1:00am and 7:00am. Receive Winter Alert Texts to better stay informed.
City Meetings
Common Council
The Common Council meeting will take place on Tuesday, November 21, in hybrid format at 6:30 p.m.
Agenda items include:
- Receiving a report from MPD on Madison crime statistics as of the third quarter 2023 in the City. Areas with the biggest year-over-year changes include:
- Heroin/fentanyl overdoses are up in 2023, including a 86% increase from Q3 2022 to Q3 2023 (see page 2)
- Stolen autos and theft-from-autos are down in 2023, seeing a 55% and 60% decrease in each, respectively, from Q3 2022 to Q3 2023 (see page 3)
- Updating the Downtown Height Map in the Brayton Lot area and the North Broom Street area (I’m cosponsoring); see this Isthmus article with background info if you’re curious
- Adopting an amendment to the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan (I’m cosponsoring); see the Legistar page with attachments, including this updated Generalized Future Land Use map if you’re curious to read more
- An ordinance change establishing a limited exception to Madison’s ordinance prohibiting encroachments on public greenways for private uses. Say that your backyard runs along a greenway and over time your garden, your woodpile, or your playground was placed over the property line onto the public right of way for the greenway. Since Madison ordinances prohibit these encroachments, they are currently required to be removed. This ordinance change creates a limited exception for non-permanent encroachments that do not interfere with City operations and that are notified to and approved by the City Engineer. Under this limited exception, these private encroachments can be required to be removed from public property at any time.
- A resolution that I authored and am sponsoring that calls on the Federal Housing Authority as well as Government-Sponsored Enterprises like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to provide increased transparency to the public in the process of developing requirements and guidelines for condominium and housing cooperative lending requirements. Please see this blog post for background information about this resolution and my related intentions and priorities.
Board of Public Works
The Board of Public Works meeting will take place on Monday, November 20, in virtual format at 4:30 p.m. Agenda items include a Report of the City Engineer regarding the results of a review of water resources impacts and the necessity of permits for public works construction projects on this agenda, the Mineral Point Road Widened Sidewalk, the Bartillon Drive Homeless Shelter project, and the approval of various bids for public works contracts.
North Grandview Community Safety Meeting
Monday, 11/20 at 6pm, Steamfitters Local 601, 6310 Town Center Drive
This North Grandview community meeting will engage with area residents, North Grandview residents in particular, in response to the recent pattern of violent incidents at the Harmony. The goal of this community meeting is to inform residents of all that is currently being done in response to the recent pattern of violent incidents at the Harmony, with the hope that residents will leave with a better understanding of the complicated issue of gun violence and of engaging and supporting youth as a violence prevention strategy. Attendees should also leave with a better understanding of their own role in violence prevention factors and community factors like safe firearm handling/storage, youth supporting public and partner services that make gun violence less likely. The event’s agenda includes:
- Welcome and introductions by Alder Derek Field
- Group norms for the meeting
- Public Safety, Public Health, and Public Education partners
- MPD: East District Capt. Jamar Gary, Lt. Scott Kleinfeldt, Lt. Tracie Jokala
- MDCPH/VP: Aurielle Smith, Director of Policy, Planning, and Evaluation; Casey Schumann, Epidemiologist
- MMSD: Laura Glaub, Lead School Social Worker; Adam Clausen, Director of Equity, Diversity, Engagement, & Inclusion; Gina Aguglia, School Safety & Security
- Elected officials
- Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway
- State Senator Melissa Agard
- State Assembly Representative Samba Baldeh
- Harmony property owners: Royal Capital
- Local partner organizations involved in gun violence prevention, supporting youth, and policy advocacy
- Focused Interruption: Anthony Cooper, Jr
- Moms Demand Action: Lindsey Buscher and Kaylee Delorey
- Short break (attendees can write down questions)
- Q&A with speakers
- Conclude around 7:30pm
East District Coffee with a Cop 11/27
From East District MPD PO Neal Crowder:
“Hello! We will have our monthly 'Coffee with a Cop', at The Hawthorne Library (2707 E Washington Ave.) in the front community room. Coffee will be provided for those who join us! For this event and future Coffee with a Cop events we will be continuing our efforts of adjusting when we hold our event to allow for more flexibility across the community. My hope is by adjusting the time for our Coffee with a Cop event we can fit more individual's schedules. Our next coffee day is scheduled on Monday, November 27th, 2023 from 12:00pm-1:00pm. Please feel free to stop in at any time to participate. As usual, we are excited about this opportunity and ask that you spread the word to anyone who might be interested in this community event. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at ncrowder@cityofmadison.com.
At this Coffee with a Cop, East Police District Captain Gary will provide an update on Stratified Policing and be accompanied by Neighborhood Patrol Officer (NPO) Neal Crowder. Due to this meeting happening offsite the ability to attend virtually will not be available.”
Events & Announcements
- City Leaders Honor World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims: Calls for support and action for safer streets: Thursday, November 16, a group gathered in front of a memorial display located on the 100 block of State Street to hold a press conference in honor of those who have lost their lives on Madison’s streets in the past 5 years.
- Mayor’s Statement on 2024 Budget Adoption: “I want to thank the Common Council for their work to pass a budget that continues to invest in our critical community services and infrastructure. The City’s budget process is never easy, and there are always more community needs and more good ideas than funding can support…”
- Bird & Nature Adventures at the Edna Taylor Conservation Park, Saturday, November 25, 10:00 am – 11:30 am: Join a naturalist for an easy family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way. Walks through the Edna Taylor Conservation Park are held on the 4th Saturday, 10-11:30am of each month and begin at the Aldo Leopold Nature Center, 330 Femrite Drive. Meet outside at the Children's Shack. Co-sponsored by Madison Parks, Madison Audubon Society, and Aldo Leopold Nature Center. No registration is required. No pets are allowed.
Streets Division Updates
- Leaf Collection Winding Down: Don’t miss out on your final guaranteed leaf collection opportunity. Be sure you know when your last set out date for leaf pickup is by going to www.cityofmadison.com/YardWaste
- Thanksgiving Holiday Trash/Recycling Schedule: Make sure you know how the Thanksgiving holiday will (or won’t) affect your trash & recycling pickup schedule. Get your collection schedule at www.cityofmadison.com/CollectionSchedule.
- Alternate Side Parking Underway: Don’t start you day off on the wrong foot by getting caught parking on the wrong side of the road. Get all the tools you need about how you should be parking your car on the street during the overnight hours at www.cityofmadison.com/Winter.
- Drop Off Site Hours & Locations Change After Thanksgiving: Check the drop-off site hours and locations before loading your car. The Olin Avenue location’s final day of operation is November 26. Winter hours start at the remaining locations later in the week, too. Drop-off site information is available at www.cityofmadison.com/DropOffSites.