Employment Training & Career Development

The Community Development Division (CDD) partners with agencies to support employment training and career development for youth, young adults, and adults.
Youth Employment Services:
Services that provide training and employment (including paid internships) to youth ages 14-21. Activities provide youth valuable job training, career guidance, and real-world work experience through connections with caring adults.
Wanda Fullmore Internship Program:
The City of Madison Wanda Fullmore Youth Internship program goal provides high school age youth who face barriers to employment an internship. With the support of a nonprofit agency, Youth intern in a City Department or with other related City partners. This program provides meaningful and relevant experiences, supporting educational goals and future employment.
Young Adult Employment Services:
Services prepare young adults ages 18-26 for employment by providing career pathway exploration, job coaching, job training, and work experience. These services for young adults help them to gain and keep paid employment at a living wage.
Adult Employment Services:
Services that support unemployed or underemployed adults (especially parents) age 18 and up, who face barriers to employment. Services include financial skills, language skills, GED support, life skills, work-ready skills, specific industry-recognized training, career guidance, basic needs assistance, pre- and post-employment service linkage as well as transitional and permanent placement in jobs with business partners. The goal of these services is to connect adults to family-supporting jobs.Agencies can apply to receive funding to support Employment and Training services through a competitive Request for Proposal (RFP) process. RFPs typically run every few years, CDD has information and an anticipated timeline of upcoming funding processes on our Funding Opportunities page.