
Draft 2025-2029 Community Development Block Grant Unit- Consolidated Plan
Thursday, February 6, 2025, 5:30 PM
Madison Municipal Building, Room 215
215 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
The City of Madison Community Development Division (CDD) and CDBG Committee invites you to provide feedback on the draft CDD 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan. The Consolidated Plan is used to identify and set funding priorities for the community development programs over the next five years.
Copies of the draft plans are available here or by contacting the Community Development Division at cdd@cityofmadison.com or 608-266-6520 to request a copy.
Comments may be made at the public hearing scheduled for February 6, 2025, or submitted to the CDD Office in writing via mail – Community Development Division, PO Box 2627, Madison, WI 53701 or email – cdd@cityofmadison.com. Comments will be accepted until February 28, 2025.
If you need special accommodations such as a translator or sign language interpreter, please call the Community Development Division at 608-266-6520 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting so that we may make the arrangements for your participation.
Housing Reports and Plans
2023 Housing Snapshot Report
The Housing Snapshot Report details high-level trends and needs of the City’s housing market, while also highlighting outcomes of key City initiatives. Because the housing market continues to change, and needs of residents change with it, this report allows residents and City officials an up-to-date overview of key data points on an annual basis. An updated report is published by the end of the 3rd quarter annually.
2019 Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice Full Report and AI Summary Report
Every five years, the City of Madison is required to complete an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice, which assesses disparities in and barriers to housing access and production for residents based on protected class status. This report helps guide equitable decisions in how the City spends funds to support housing and planning initiatives, helping inform ways to make Madison a more sustainable and equitable City for everyone.
Biennial Housing Report
The Biennial Housing Report is a comprehensive analysis of housing needs and strategies for implementation across separate market segments. Though last written in 2016, this report is still influential in informing local planning and policy. The majority of the data and strategies in this report are now carried forward in other reports and plans – namely the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice, Housing Snapshot Report, Equitable Development Report, and the Imagine Madison Comprehensive Plan.
Community Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness in Dane County (2016)
Developed in consultation with the Homeless Services Consortium (the local Continuum of Care), this plan identifies the goals, objectives and strategies that, if fully implemented, would lead toward the elimination of homelessness in our community. Updated plan anticipated in 2024.
HUD Plans and Associated Resources
Annual Action Plan (AAP) and Substantial Amendments (SAs)
The AAP (along with any associated SAs) lists the planned investments in community and neighborhood development projects and related efforts toward achieving the objectives described in Madison's associated Consolidated Plan, for the designated year.
(The AAP for the first year covered by a Consolidated Plan is included in the ConPlan document itself.)
- Final City of Madison 2024 Annual Action Plan
- City of Madison 2024 Draft Annual Action Plan
- 2023-2024 Goals and Objectives DRAFT
- 2023 Annual Action Plan posted June 27, 2023
- 2022 Annual Action Plan
- 2021 Annual Action Plan + 2021 Substantial Amendment HOME-ARP Allocation Plan
- 2019 Annual Action Plan + 2019 Substantial Amendment 1 + 2019 Substantial Amendment 2
- 2018 Annual Action Plan
- 2017 Annual Action Plan
CDBG Target Areas Map
Identifies City of Madison census tracts where the current percentage of residents with low- and moderate-income incomes is 51% or higher.
Consolidated Community and Neighborhood Development Plan
(Consolidated Plan, ConPlan, Strategic Plan, Five-Year Plan)
The Consolidated Plan describes the community development strategies, over a five-year period, that will guide Madison's use of the federal funds the City receives annually from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
- 2025-2029: CDD is currently in the process of gathering community feedback and drafting this plan.
- 2020-2024
- 2015-2019
Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER)
The annual CAPER lists the community development projects undertaken by the City of Madison for the year, and their contributions toward meeting the community and neighborhood development objectives described in Madison's associated Consolidated Plan.
Expected Practices for School Age Programs
These practices are based on the Madison-area-Out-of-School Time Effective Out-of-School Time Practices.
Other Reports and Resources
Dane County Youth Assessment
The 2021 Dane County Youth Assessment (DCYA) is a collaborative effort led by the Dane County Youth Commission in partnership with the United Way of Dane County, Public Health Madison & Dane County, the City of Madison, nineteen public school districts, and one private high school. Youth completed the survey through their schools between January and April 2021. The High School Report and Middle School Report provide data tables of every survey question along with county-wide youth responses by grade level. The 2021 DCYA Overview Report summarizes and highlights key findings.
Guidance for Implementing the Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act
The reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) requires that housing providers that manage federally-assisted housing units comply with VAWA. This document provides guidance on how to ensure this compliance, including an overview of the required documents that must be offered to applicants and maintained by the housing provider, along with specific notices, protocols and plans that must be adhered to and followed.