Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get my Double Dollars?
Bring your Quest EBT card to the farmers’ market EBT or information booth. The market staff there will be able to withdraw money from your account and give you market money and Double Dollars in return. For every dollar that you withdraw, market staff will give you two dollars: one dollar in market money, and one Double Dollar. You can receive up to $25 in Double Dollars every market day.
What can I buy with Double Dollars?
The market money and Double Dollars can be spent at any vendor’s stand selling SNAP-eligible products. This includes bakery, fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, dairy products, and seeds and plants to grow food. Market money cannot be used to buy nonfood items (like flowers or wreaths), hot foods (like those served at food carts), alcohol, candles, and incense.
Can I withdraw more than $25 from my account?
Yes. You can withdraw as much as you like, but you will only receive $25 in Double Dollars. For the rest of the amount you will receive market money.
What happens if I don’t spend all my market dollars or Double Dollars?
You have two options. Market dollars never expire, so you can hang on to them and spend them the next time you shop at that market. Double Dollars expire in December or when the funds run out. You can hang on to your Double Dollars and spend them the next time you shop at any of the participating farmers’ markets, as long as you use them by December.
You can also return money to your account. You can do that at the information or EBT booth. For every dollar that you put back into your account, you must return one market dollar and one Double Dollar.
I only want to spend a few dollars at the farmers’ market. Is there a minimum I must spend?
There is no minimum! However, there is no market money smaller than $1, so you must withdraw money in increments of $1.
I withdrew some money out of my account but I spent it all before I completed my shopping. Can I go back and get more?
Yes, you can do as many transactions as you want at the farmers’ markets as long as you have money in your SNAP account. However, you can only receive up to $25 in Double Dollars per day.
I do not use SNAP, but I have WIC benefits. Does that still count for Double Dollars?
At this time we are only able to provide Double Dollars to people with SNAP EBT cards. However, many people who use WIC qualify for SNAP. You can apply online at access.wisconsin.gov/. For FoodShare application assistance, call 877-FOOD-635 (877-366-3635) or visit GetAQuestCard.org.
I am not a resident of Madison, can I still participate in the program?
Yes! Anyone can participate who has an EBT card.
I have SNAP benefits, but not on a Wisconsin card. Can I still participate in the program?
Yes! Anyone can participate who has an EBT card regardless of what state they live in.
Where can I find more information?
You can visit https://www.cacscw.org/doubledollars or contact Marcus Slaton, Double Dollars Coordinator at Community Action Coalition, marcus.s@cacscw.org or (608) 577-3034.
How can I donate to the Double Dollars program?
If you would like to make a donation to Double Dollars, please go to https://www.cacscw.org/donate and select "Double Dollars" as the program you want to support. Thank you for your support!