Olin Park Facility Renovation
Project Details
Project Information
Madison Parks Downtown Offices Move to Olin Park
The Madison Parks offices located in the City-County Building, at 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., moved to 330 E. Lakeside St., 53715.

In 2019 the Parks Division purchased the properties at 330 and 342 E. Lakeside Street to expand Olin Park. The acquisitions included an existing 43,000 sf. office building near Lake Monona (the Olin Park Facility). After further evaluation of the building, it was identified as an adaptive reuse opportunity due to its quality construction, central location, and unique lakeside setting. The Parks Division will relocate most of the Parks staff and services currently located in the City-County Building to the building in 2022.
330 and 342 E. Lakeside Street
In addition to being the new home for the Parks Division's community and administration services, Parks intends to lease the west portion of the building to a community organization that provides public recreational programming consistent with the Parks Division’s mission. The services and programming offered at the facility will establish a new civic presence in Olin Park and Madison's south side.
East and West Wings of 330 E. Lakeside Street
Renovation Improvements
To meet current accessibility standards, various building and site improvements are required before building occupancy. In October 2020, the City hired an architectural and engineering consultant team for the necessary renovations. Design development was completed in May 2021, and the project is currently posted for Public Works bidding.
Site improvements include:
Public Meeting
On Tuesday, January 26, 2021, Parks held a virtual public meeting to review the proposed facility renovations with area residents and park users. During the meeting, Parks staff presented the project intent, scope, and anticipated timeline. Below are the presentation slides shared during the meeting.
Olin Park Facility PIM 1 Presentation
Completed City of Madison Reviews:
- Tuesday, February 23, 2021, at 6:30 pm – Common Council review of the proposed capital budget amendment
- Wednesday, March 31, 2021, at 4:30 pm – Urban Design Commission review, requesting approval of the proposed site and building improvements
- Monday, April 12, 2021, at 5:30 pm – Plan Commission review of a requested zoning map amendment and conditional use approval for the existing building
- Tuesday, April 20, 2021, at 6:45 pm – Common Council review of a requested zoning map amendment and conditional use approval for the existing building
More information on meeting agendas and approvals is found on the City of Madison Legislative Information Center website, located here: Madison Committee Calendar.
Lake Monona Waterfront Coordination
The Olin Park Facility is within the scope of the Lake Monona Waterfront planning initiative. The waterfront planning area includes Law Park, the John Nolen Drive Causeway, and the northern portion of Olin Park. The planning project is in the pre-masterplan phase, with a report due this spring that will provide the outcomes of the initial public engagement and site analysis for the planning area. The Olin Park Facility will be a significant component of the future master plan effort concerning the greater park and greenspace connectivity and enhanced lake access. The Lake Monona Waterfront planning process will inform any additional future improvements to the facility. More on the Lake Monona Waterfront project can be found here: Lake Monona Waterfront.
City of Madison Engineering - Facilities
City of Madison Engineering - Facilities led the renovation project, and their project page is located here: Olin Park Facility Renovation
If you have any questions or comments regarding the Olin Park Facility Renovation, please contact Mike Sturm at msturm@cityofmadison.com or 608-267-4921.