Supporting Your Case
We need your help. It is in your best interest that you do these things. If you do not, the EOD office may close your case.
During the initial investigation, it is not only the responsibility of the Investigator to gather information. You must also collect evidence.
- We need to be able to contact you. Let the Equal Opportunities Division (EOD) know immediately of any changes in your address or phone number. If you plan to be absent from the city for more than one week, let us know. Also, let us know if your Contact Person changes or if there is any change in their address or phone number.
- Sometimes we need proof that you received a document from us. In this case, the document will be mailed to you via Certified Mail. You must accept this document when it is delivered, sign for it if necessary, or go to the Post Office and pick it up.
- Attend conferences, meetings and hearings. Be on time. If there is a problem with the scheduled time, call as soon as you get the notice. If you are late or do not attend the conference, your case may be dismissed.
- Respond to letters from the EOD office within stated time limits. If you need additional time, call the EOD office. In some cases, additional time may be granted.
- If you decide to drop your case, you must withdraw it in writing. Call the EOD office at (608) 266-4910 to obtain the necessary form.
Gathering Evidence
It is not only the responsibility of the Investigator to gather information. You must also collect evidence. This guide will help you find documents that may help your case. It will also show you some important things to remember.
The other party may have documents that you believe will help support your case. These types of documents must show that:
a) under similar circumstances you were treated differently when compared to others.
b) this treatment was different because of your membership in the protected class(es) stated in your complaint. If you know of any documents (like employee performance reports) that the other party has that may help your case, tell the Investigator. The Investigator will be able to get copies of documents from the her party. You are not allowed to directly request documents from the other party at this point.It is your responsibility to tell the Investigator about any documents or files that may help your case.
If you think that a witness statement might help strengthen your case, you may ask the witness to write down what they saw, read, or heard. Remember that witnesses must have first-hand knowledge of the information they are reporting.
- For example, it would NOT strengthen your case to have a witness who had only heard about what happened to you from other people.
- Witnesses must have been present when a discriminatory action happened or must have directly heard the discriminatory comments relating to your case.
- Have your witness sign and date the statement.
- Be sure to include their address and telephone number.
- If the witness seems nervous about providing a statement because they are worried about retaliation (for example, the witness fears being fired for speaking against their employer), remind the witness that the Equal Opportunities Ordinance protects them after they speak out against discrimination.