Updates & Week of April 11 Meetings of Interest for District 2


District 2 Updates and Meetings of Interest

City meetings are mostly online with details listed in City Meetings of Interest below.


Stay in touch with your neighbors through either Capitol Neighborhoods, Inc. or Campus Area Neighborhood Assoc.


There are three sections to this week's update:

  1. COVID-19 Resources & Information
  2. Other District 2 Updates
  3. City Meetings of Interest to District 2



COVID Update


From Public Health Madison & Dane County:

Dane CORE - for rental and utility assistance. If you are a renter or landlord in need of financial assistance as a result of the pandemic, you can still access financial assistance.

Visit the City's Coronavirus Website for Madison's COVID updates, responses and resources.

Dane County Food Pantry Network from Community Action Coalition.

State of Wisconsin COVID-19 resources and information from state agencies, including the State Dept. Public Health

Info on UW-Madison's response to the pandemic.





Useful Links Image




Red Rock Rooftop Terrace Design

April 12 Neighborhood Meeting on Proposed Rooftop Terrace at Red Rock Saloon

Please join me for a virtual neighborhood meeting on Tuesday, April 12 at 6:00pm to hear about plans for Red Rock Saloon to construct a rooftop terrace on the second floor atop their existing nightclub and bar at 222 W. Gorham Street. The proposed terrace would be accessed from current second floor interior spaces via two new garage doors and two standard doors. The deck would be approximately 1,450 square feet and its occupancy is estimated at 82 patrons. The applicant plans to have the terrace open during their current operating hours and have no exterior amplified music. Red Rock Saloon is required to seek a Conditional Use Permit for this outdoor area from the Plan Commission.

Neighbors are encouraged to attend the April 12 virtual meeting to learn more about the project and ask questions about the proposal. You can join the meeting using your computer, smartphone or tablet, or you can listen in via telephone. You will receive login information after registering at this webpage.

You are also welcome to email me at district2@cityofmadison.com with any thoughts or concerns.

Metro Transit Redesign

April 14 Campus-Focused Transit Network Redesign Public Meeting

From Metro Transit

Please join us, Thursday April 14th, for a public meeting regarding the Metro Transit Network Redesign. Learn how the Draft Network Redesign plan affects students and employees on the UW Campus. This meeting is one of many occurring throughout neighborhoods & communities. The meeting will be held virtually via Zoom and begins at 7pm.

Register for the meeting here.

We've held several community meetings to in the past weeks to discuss Metro's draft redesign. Review meeting recordings and materials presented here.

Staff continues to analyze all feedback on the Network Redesign Draft Plan and making adjustments. A survey on the draft plan (online here and in Spanish here) will be available until the end of the month. You can also provide feedback by emailing MetroRedesign@cityofmadison.com.


Vision Zero Logo

Madison is Officially a Vision Zero City!

The City of Madison is now officially recognized by the Vision Zero Network as a Vision Zero City! Look for us on the Vision Zero Network communities map in the near future, as they are going to be adding us soon. Madison's Action plan was also approved by the Common Council on March 29, 2022.

On the heels of these important milestones in Madison's Vision Zero Initiative, the second issue of the Vision Zero Quarterly Newsletter is now available. This issue dives into the work of Madison's Vision Zero initiative and how the City decides what safety measures and practices should be incorporated into Madison's streets.


Public Involvement Meetings for Beltline Long-Term Planning Study

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation Southwest Region has scheduled two public involvement meetings to discuss the Planning and Environment Linkages (PEL) corridor study underway for the Madison Beltline. The Madison Beltline PEL study is a long-term planning study, and no construction projects are identified at this time.  

The PEL is expected to be completed in 2023. Upon completion of the PEL study, solutions studied will be further evaluated under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process.

The objectives of the PEL study are to:

  • Improve safety for all travel modes

  • Improve pedestrian and bicycle accommodations

  • Enhance transit ridership and routing opportunities

  • Improve connections across and adjacent to the Beltline for all travel modes

  • Address Beltline infrastructure condition and deficiencies

  • Address system mobility for all travel modes

  • Limit adverse social, cultural, and environmental effects to the extent practicable

  • Enhance efficient regional multimodal access to Madison metropolitan area economic centers

  • Decrease Beltline traffic diversion impacts to neighborhood streets

  • Complement other major transportation initiatives and studies in the Madison area

  • Support infrastructure and other measures that encourage alternatives to single-occupancy vehicle travel

The meetings will be held on the following dates, times and locations:

Tuesday, April 12

5 - 6:30 pm

(Presentation at 5:30 pm)

James Madison Memorial High School Commons

201 S. Gammon Road, Madison


Wednesday, April 13

5 - 6:30 pm

(Presentation at 5:30 pm)

The Village on Park Community Room

2300 South Park Street, Madison


To learn more, please visit the project website at madisonbeltline.dot.wi.gov.


If you're unable to attend one of these meetings, the presentation and display materials will be available for review on the project website at www.wisconsindot.gov(search Madison Beltline Study) beginning Thursday, April 14. On this page, you can watch the presentation video, view the individual displays, take a short survey and provide feedback via the comment form.



Below are some pertinent agenda items from city committees that are meeting this week. If you click on meeting "Details" below, you will find participation and viewing options, and a link to the full meeting agenda. If you click on an item from within an agenda, you will see all documents that relate to that item.


I appreciate hearing from you on any agenda items on which you have a particular interest or concern.



Finance Committee: Details

4:30pm, Monday, April 11, 2022




Agenda Item 3

Authorizing a noncompetitive contract with New Flyer industries for up to 46, potentially all electric, Bus Rapid Transit Vehicles and approving roadway geometry for the East-West Bus Rapid Transit project.


Agenda Item 5

SUBSTITUTE - Resolution Authorizing the Acceptance of Funds from the State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services to support the Madison Forward Fund and authorizing the Director for Public Health to sign a non-competitive contract with the Give Back Foundation for a Madison Forward Fund Program Manager and community outreach costs associated with the program.

Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes the acceptance of funds and amends the Public Health Madison Dane County (PHMDC) 2022 operating budget for a Wisconsin Department of Health Services "Mobilizing Community for a Just Response" grant. The $100,000 grant will fund a contract with the Give Back foundation to hire a Program Manager to support the pilot guaranteed income program. The grant is effective through May 2023. No City levy is required.


Agenda Item 9

Approving the 2022 Neighborhood Grant Program recommendations, authorizing the execution of agreements required to administer the program, authorizing the Planning Division Director and Finance Director to execute grant agreements on behalf of the City, and authorizing the acceptance of any grant-funded improvements to be located on City-owned lands.

Note: This item includes a grant recommendation for the Campus Area Neighborhood Association for $1,086.42 entitled Digital Neighborhood Outreach: Reimagining Neighborhood Involvement - Setup a neighborhood group Zoom account for the next three years and upgrade neighborhood website to engage residents better.


Agenda Item 10

Authorizing a $62,225 contract with Madison's Central Business Improvement District (BID) to fund the continuation of the Downtown Activities Program focused on existing plazas around the Capitol Square and State Street (2nd, 4th and 8th AD.)

Fiscal Note
This resolution authorizes an agreement between the City of Madison and Madison's Central Business Improvement District (BID) for programming at locations on State Street and the Capitol Square. The Economic Development Division's 2022 Adopted Operating Budget includes $62,225 to support the (BID) programming. No additional City appropriation is required.


Agenda Item 11

Amending the 2022 Adopted Capital Budget for the Economic Development Division to accept $4 million in Wisconsin Department of Administration Neighborhood Investment Fund Grant Program funding to support the implementation costs of the Madison Public Market and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign an agreement and any other necessary documents with the State of Wisconsin for the same. (12th AD)


Agenda Item 22

Approving the selection of the property located at 1902 Bartillon Drive as the site for a permanent shelter facility serving men experiencing homelessness, authorizing the City's Engineering Division to undertake a competitive process to select an entity to provide architectural and engineering design services, subject to Common Council approval, and authorizing the City's Community Development Division to undertake a similar effort to select an operator for the facility, again, subject to Council approval.

Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution approves the site for a permanent shelter facility for men experiencing homelessness, authorizes the City Engineering Division to begin a competitive selection process for engineering and architectural design work, and authorizes the Community Development Division (CDD) to begin a competitive selection process for a facility operator. CDD's 2022 capital budget includes the Permanent Men's Shelter capital project (Munis Project # 13344), which includes $11 million in funding from city general obligation borrowing ($4 million), Dane County contributions ($3 million), local American Rescue Plan Act funding ($2 million), and additional federal funding ($2 million). The total cost to design, construct, and operate the shelter is unknown at this time, but is anticipated to be greater than $11 million. The design work described in this resolution would inform the cost estimate for the project. No additional City appropriation is required for this phase of the project.


Agenda Item 24

Creating Section 4.097 of the Madison General Ordinances to Create a Resource Recovery Special Charge.

Fiscal Note

This ordinance would create a new special charge that would be imposed upon curbside recycling customers. Implementation of the special charge will occur annually by separate resolution. It is anticipated that the special charge will be collected as part of the Municipal Service Bill and that 2022 revenue will total approximately $1,500,000, with an increase to approximately $3,000,000 in 2023. The costs of implementing the special charge will be included in the Tyler Utility Billing project. No additional appropriation is required.


DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS:  This ordinance creates a resource recovery special charge that would be imposed against all properties that receive City curbside recycling services, consistent with the recommendation of the Common Council in the City's 2022 adopted operating budget to create a special charge to support the costs of the City's recycling program.  The City's overall costs of its recycling program, including the costs of collecting, sorting and recycling, have increased over time.  This special charge will allow the City to recover all or a portion of the costs of providing these services from its recycling customers.  This special charge will be imposed only against those properties receiving curbside recycling services, which includes most properties with 8 or fewer residential units, along with some small commercial properties.  This special charge will not be imposed against properties who use private recycling services, including larger residential parcels, most commercial properties, and all industrial properties.  Following enactment, a resource recovery special charge policy will have to be approved by the City.  This policy will direct how the charge is determined and imposed against parcels receiving this service.  The actual amount of the special charge will be set annually by the Common Council by separate resolution.



Water Quality Technical Advisory Committee: Details

5:00pm, Monday, April 11, 2022




Agenda Item 1

PFAS Update



Public Safety Review Committee: Details

5:00pm, Wednesday, April 13, 2022




Agenda Item 2

For Information Only - Chief Barnes Quarterly Report 


Agenda Item 3

Report from the Madison Police Department including information on recent gun violence and an update on strategic planning


Agenda Item 4

Report from the Madison Fire Department/CARE's unit update



Transportation Commission: Details

5:00pm, Wednesday, April 13, 2022




Agenda Item 4

Authorizing a noncompetitive contract with New Flyer industries for up to 46, potentially all electric, Bus Rapid Transit Vehicles and approving roadway geometry for the East-West Bus Rapid Transit project.

60 mins



Board of Park Commissioners: Details

6:30pm, Wednesday, April 13, 2022


Agenda Item 8

April 2022 Superintendent's Report



Agenda Item 18

Approving a land sale and agreements with Dane County to sell and develop portions of the Yahara Hills Golf Course as a future landfill, compost site and sustainable business park, and entering into a new solid waste agreement.



Agenda Item 19

Amending the Yahara Hills Neighborhood Development Plan, a supplement to the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan, to provide updated recommendations for the area located on the eastern portion of the Yahara Hills Golf Course.




Equal Opportunities Commission: Details

5:00pm, Thursday, April 14, 2022




Agenda Item 2

Developing of Transit Corridors - How do the new traffic designs and BRT impact marginalized communities?

Staff from the City of Madison Department of Transportation and Metro have been invited to share information on the transit network redesign, BRT, and paratransit system. They will be available to answer questions regarding the impacts on marginalized and differently abled communities.

Members of the Disability Rights Commission and Affirmative Action Commission have been invited to participate in this discussion.


Agenda Item 3

Truth and Reconciliation Process Proposal


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Alder Juliana Bennet

Alder Juliana Bennett

District 2
Contact Alder Bennett