Updates & Week of May 2 Meetings of Interest for District 2
postedDistrict 2 Updates and Meetings of Interest
City meetings are mostly virtual with details listed in City Meetings of Interest below.
Stay in touch with your neighbors through either Capitol Neighborhoods, Inc. or Campus Area Neighborhood Assoc.
There are three sections to this week's update:
- District 2 Updates
- COVID-19 Resources & Information
- City Meetings of Interest to District 2

Street Closures--Crazylegs Classic (more info below on District 2 impacts)
From MPD Central District: Message to Mifflin Student Residents (concerning Mifflin Street Block Party)
- The Adopt-A-Median program is a program for Madison community members to take care of and maintain existing traffic calming circles and medians across the City. Learn more about the program here. Please note that none of the median planting beds being converted to turf or concrete are available for adoption. They are all in high traffic locations that are not allowed for volunteer work due to safety concerns. Most of the medians in question require closing a lane during off peak hours with full traffic control to allow maintenance.
Save the Dates: Madison Night Markets on State Street: May 12 • June 9 • August 11 • Sept. 8
Applications Being Accepted to Fill Third Aldermanic District Vacancy
City Names New Biking Bridge "Robert F. Phillips Jr. Bridge"
From the Mayor:
Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Zoning - The Planning Division, in collaboration with Zoning staff, is working to implement a 2018 Comprehensive Plan call for implementation of "TOD overlay zoning" along planned BRT and other high-frequency transit corridors to "create development intensity minimums, reduce parking requirements, and support transit use." For more information, and to sign up for May 11th and May 16th public meetings on this effort, please visit the project web page.
Streets Division Updates
The 2022 Spring Yard Waste Collection Is Complete - including, "Do not set out yard waste for pickup until collection resumes in the fall. Use drop-off sites instead."
If you have questions about the Resource Recovery Special Charge, there is an FAQ page on the Streets Division website explaining it here.
From City Engineering: Blair Street South Project - Latest Update
City of Madison Welcomes New Disability Rights and Services Specialist
Make Music Madison is a free, citywide, outdoor day of music held annually on the summer solstice. Initiated in Madison in 2013, our festival is part of the larger Make Music Day, an international summer solstice music celebration occurring in 1,000+ cities across the globe. The 2021 event featured 312 concerts at 112 venues with over 1,000 individual musicians. Registration to perform or host a performance opens this month. Learn more here.

Crazy Legs to Close Streets in State Street/Langdon Area on April 30
On Saturday, April 30th, the annual Crazylegs Classic will close several downtown and campus area streets including these streets in District 2:
- State Street between Lake and W. Gilman Streets
- W. Gilman between State and Carroll Streets
- Carroll Street between W. Gilman and Langdon
- Langdon between Carroll and Lake Streets
See the map above for the race and walk route through the downtown area.
The Crazylegs route will start at Lake Street and UW's Library Mall with Mall setup starting on Friday, April 29 at 2:00pm. The course setup will start at 6am on Saturday, April 30, with the run/walk starting at 9:50am. The route ends at Camp Randall Stadium, so once the runners and walkers are through the State Street and Langdon areas near the beginning of the route, traffic should be allowed and impacts minimalized. For information, contact Shane Burgess of Wisconsin Athletics at Spb@athletics.Wisc.Edu.

Existing Buildings
May 2 Neighborhood Meeting on New Redevelopment Proposal for E. Johnson & N. Butler
On May 2 at 6:30pm, join me for a virtual neighborhood meeting to take a first look at a proposed redevelopment at the corner of E. Johnson and N. Butler Streets. Kaba Baal LLC proposes to demolish four buildings (301 and 305 E. Johnson and 145 and 149 N. Butler) and then construct a new a 4-story residential building with 32 to 48 dwelling units with parking underneath. The developer is seeking City of Madison Forward Housing funds that, if awarded, and financing secured could require most or all residents to have 60% of Dane County Median Income or less with rental rates reduced appropriately. The building is likely to be proposed with a mixture of studios, 1-bedroom, and 2-bedroom units.
The developer will be seeking a Demolition Permit and will need approvals by the Plan Commission and possibly the Urban Design Commission, but formal applications have not yet been filed with the city.
The James Madison Park District of Capitol Neighborhoods, Inc., (CNI), will likely form a neighborhood steering committee sometime after the May 2 meeting, but I encourage you to attend this first meeting to learn more about the proposed redevelopment. Registration for the meeting is required and available here.
You are also welcome to email me with your input and questions (district2@cityofmadison.com)
2022 City of Madison Property Assessments
The 2022 property assessments are now available on the City website at cityofmadison.com/assessor. Assessment notices were mailed today to all property owners whether or not their assessment has changed from the previous year's value. Property values increased 10.9% overall from the 2021 assessments. Commercial property has increased 12.9% and residential assessments increased 11.4%.
Information about the property assessment process in Madison is available in a Madison Assessor's Office video available here.
As per state statute, a period for "examination of the assessment roll" - what is referred to as "open book" - is provided. This period of time is an opportunity to discuss property value and provide reason for changing value, if appropriate. This "open book" period is set aside for property owners to discuss their assessments with Assessor's Office staff prior to completion of the assessment roll. Property owners who wish to compare assessments may also view assessment data posted on the Assessor's website. Available information includes owner's name, property address, legal description, sale information and property characteristics.
The open book period will begin Monday, May 2 and close Friday, May 6 at 4:30 p.m. Due to the pandemic, open book contact this year will be telephonic or virtual. Property owners must initiate contact with the appraiser for their property in one of two ways:
- Email: openbook@cityofmadison.com
- Call: (608) 266-4531
Support staff fielding the initial contact will direct you to the appropriate appraiser and provide helpful information about the process and resources available. The appraiser will then contact you based on the initial information provided.
Owners who disagree with their assessment are encouraged to speak with the appraiser who established the value. If an error was made or if a property owner has evidence that the assessment does not reflect the actual fair market value of the property, the appraiser will take this information into consideration in setting the final assessed value. Appraisers welcome the opportunity to review any and all information provided. The best evidence of value is the recent sale price of the property or the sale prices of comparable properties.
After talking with the Assessor's Office, owners who still feel the assessed value of their property is incorrect may file a formal objection. The deadline for filing an objection form (or providing notice of intent) is Friday, May 13.
If you have general questions concerning assessments, please contact the Assessor's Office at assessor@cityofmadison.com or (608) 266-4531.

Do You Sometimes Feel Unsafe Downtown?
The City of Madison received a $500,000 grant to support efforts to reduce violent crime in the downtown area over the next two years. An advisory council has been meeting for the last 8 months to discuss the issues and the options. That council would like YOUR input on where you feel unsafe and what you would like to see done about it. Please complete this very short survey found here:
There are a total of five questions about your opinion on safety downtown. It should take you less than 10 minutes to complete it and if you like you can submit your email to enroll in a drawing for a giftcard.
If you have any comments or questions, please reach out to Janae Goodrich or Abra Vigna at UW-Madison's Population Health Institute via avigna@wisc.edu or jgoodrich@wisc.edu.

Metro Transit Network Redesign Survey Ends Saturday
Metro's survey related to the draft Network Redesign closes on Saturday, April 30. According to Metro, they have received nearly 3,200 responses. You can access the survey here:
Final Public Meeting on Thursday, May 19
Metro is holding a final public meeting on Thursday, May 19 at 6:00 pm. It will be held in person at Madison Municipal Building in Room 215 and it will also be streamed live. People watching from home will be able to submit questions through a button on Mediasite so that they can be answered live during the meeting. Complete meeting details are here.
Public Hearing on Tuesday, May 31
A public hearing on the redesign is being set up in front of the Transportation Planning and Policy Board and the Transportation Commission Thursday, May 31 at 6 pm. Complete details are here.

From Public Health Madison & Dane County:
- COVID-19 vaccine webpage
- Learn about the many testing sites in Dane County (in Spanish)
- COVID-19 Data Dashboard
- The latest Data Notes
Covid cases are on the rise! Please get your booster if you have not done it yet. The CDC looks at several metrics to determine these levels, including cases per 100,000 residents, new hospitalizations, and hospital bed capacity recorded over the past seven days. While several metrics are considered, Dane County's case activity is what tipped our county into the medium level. Our case activity has been increasing since late March, with a current 7-day average of 159 cases per day. For more information visit publichealthmdc.com/coronavirus
Dane CORE - for rental and utility assistance. If you are a renter or landlord in need of financial assistance as a result of the pandemic, you can still access financial assistance.
Visit the City's Coronavirus Website for Madison's COVID updates, responses and resources.
Dane County Food Pantry Network from Community Action Coalition.
State of Wisconsin COVID-19 resources and information from state agencies, including the State Dept. Public Health
Info on UW-Madison's response to the pandemic.
Below are some pertinent agenda items from city committees that are meeting this week. If you click on meeting "Details" below, you will find participation and viewing options, and a link to the full meeting agenda. If you click on an item from within an agenda, you will see all documents that relate to that item.
I appreciate hearing from you on any agenda items on which you have a particular interest or concern.
Note: Several meeting agendas were not available as of publication. You should be able to find those meetings here: https://www.cityofmadison.com/city-hall/committees/meeting-schedule
Board of Health for Madison and Dane County: Details
5:00pm, Wednesday, May 4, 2022
Agenda Item 3
COVID-19 Update for May 4, 2022
City of Madison Resolutions
Agenda Item 5
Supporting the reasonable regulation of firearms to assist in helping to remedy public health concerns stemming from firearms violence in the City of Madison, and authorizing the City Attorney, in consultation with the Mayor, to join the City as amicus in cases related to firearm regulation which promote or impact Madison's policies and programs to help combat firearms violence.
Board of Health Resolutions
Agenda Item 6
Board of Health for Madison and Dane County Resolution #2022-10 Resolution to enter into a contract with and accept funds from WI Department of Health Services for Lead-in-Water Testing Remediation project for childcare facilities
Agenda Item 7
Board of Health for Madison and Dane County Resolution #2022 - 11 Authorization to Accept Additional Funds from the National Association of County & City Health Officials to Support the Health Equity and Overdose Prevention Mentorship Program
Agenda Item 8
Violence Prevention RFP Concept Paper
Agenda Item 9
Violence Prevention Update for May 4, 2022