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South District Blotter

South Police District

April 3, 2020 12:36 PM

Greetings:  There have been questions from the community about safety issues in the Wingra/Fish Hatchery/Lakeside area.  As you recall there was a homicide in December, shots fired in other locations and a double-homicide earlier this week (UWPD's case/MPD assisting) in the Arboretum.  Throughout these investigations and normal police patrol operations, there is nothing to suggest this neighborhood area is in peril of existing and future violence.  Although we cannot predict when and where crime happens, the aforementioned crimes occurred with people not living in the neighborhood.  The Madison Police Department - South District continues to patrol this area with patrol officers, TEST (Traffic Enforcement Safety Team) and our Community Police Team on a regular basis.  Even with the pandemic, your Madison Police Officers continue to "protect & serve" and take their role seriously in these trying times.  We ask that citizens, as they hunker down, to report suspicious activity in your neighborhood.  Just last night before the shot was fired on Lakeside, an astute citizen called 911 noting the hostilities growing with a group of people who did not live on the block.  I know the Alders of the District would like to hold community meetings on safety topics when this pandemic clears and life crawls back to some normalcy.  MPD will be at those meetings as well, anxious to see everyone again. . .

Stay safe and stay healthy!!  Captain Mike Hanson, Madison Police-South District

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