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South District Blotter

Beltline Speed

December 10, 2020 12:33 PM

I was told a traffic initiative by our MPD Traffic Enforcement Safety Team (T.E.S.T) worked the Beltline last night in our South District.  As mentioned before and as mentioned months ago, years ago and decades ago, "please slow down".  Last night, 30 stops were made in the initiative and the speeds reached 83 m.p.h. along with several other stops north of 70 m.p.h.  Remember, the speed limit is 55 m.p.h. through the entire Beltline traversing through Madison.  Speeding can be expensive to your wallet, to your life, to your car and to others.  For ALL that has gone on in 2020, you need to be safe and the rules of the road are meant to keep you safe.  Happy Holidays!

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