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South District Blotter

New NRO (Neighborhood Resource Officer)

June 7, 2021 1:30 PM

Greetings:  We welcome Officer Jessica Wolf from our patrol staff to her new role as a Neighborhood Resource Officer dedicated to the South Police District.  She will partner with the community, monitor crime trends, problem solve and attend community events.  Below is the BIO on Jessica: 

Hello, my name is Jessica Wolf, and I am the new Neighborhood Resource Officer for the South District. I have been a police officer with the Madison Police Department since 2016. I have worked on the Southside of Madison since 2018 as a patrol officer and I love the diversity of the residents on the Southside. Fun fact: I own chickens and love feeding them vegetables from my garden.

I enjoy swimming in the pool and in open bodies of water. I was a collegiate swimmer and graduated from University of Michigan-Ann Arbor in Sociology and Psychology.

In my new position as the Southside Neighborhood Resource Officer, it is my mission to make positive changes within the South District neighborhoods. I will accomplish this by working with the citizens, community leaders, and property management in the various neighborhoods that encompass the Southside.  My goal is to establish impactful and meaningful relationships with the people that live and/or work on the Southside. I will do my best to address any issues brought to me, whether about crime, personal safety issues, or gardening and chickens.


Looking forward to seeing you in the neighborhood!

Officer Jessica Wolf 5444

South District Neighborhood Resource Officer

Madison Police Department

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