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South District Blotter

SPD Community Engagement Event Thursday June 29, 2023

June 20, 2023 7:08 AM

Stratified policing is underway throughout the City of Madison, we aim to focus on crime reduction and problem solving through analysis and accountability. This policing method coincides with the City of Madison Police Departments core values, mission and vision statements. In addition, it directly correlates with the work that we are doing in South Madison. 

We at SPD look to continue to support the community we serve by addressing crime as well as continuing our tradition of outreach and effective community engagement. We take pride in working with our community to provide education and awareness to all.

On Thursday June 29, 2023 we will be hosting a community engagement event at the Urban League from 6PM-8PM.  The focus of this event will be to provide the South Madison community members education on gang trends, identifiers, prevention tips and the impact on gangs presently and historically that have impacted South Madison. Officer Lester Moore and Officer Lupe Contreras of the Gang and Neighborhood Crime Abatement Team (GNCAT) will be keynote speakers at the event.

Additionally, I will provide an opportunity for a Q&A session in which I look forward to discussing the importance of stratified policing and crime reduction.

Please come out to join and support us in making South Madison safe for all residents and guest of our great community. 

See attached flyer!

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