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South District Blotter

Community Support

July 22, 2020 11:02 AM


Members of the community have been wondering "how are the Officers doing" in various meetings I attend or through phone calls, emails etc.  The Officers have worked in the toughest, sustained conditions that anyone can remember.  Even before the riots/protests, long hours and weeks, the Officers have been dealing with the pandemic on a daily basis.  To a person, each Officer continues to wear protective gear, clean their work areas, go into stranger's homes to service a call, respond to major gunfire and yet still show up to work, day in and day out with profound professionalism and commitment to our profession.  So when I am asked "how are the Officers doing?" by someone sincerely asking, I share all that 2020 "has offered" and explain the pride in the Officers for their professionalism and commitment to our community.  The next statement from community member is generally, "let the Officers know we support and need them".  I do.  So recently, a group took "showing their support" to the next level when they arrived at the South Police District with HUGE support.  This group delivered pre-packaged (due to COVID) snacks, beverages and kind notes and cards to show the community appreciates their Officers.  For a moment the Officers were shocked by the support and the outpouring they received.  Throughout the last several months, various organizations have witnessed the complicated work the police perform and recognize that support goes a long way to strengthening morale in strenuous times.  Thank you!                                                                                                                                  We all have a heart.  We all care.  We all want the community to be safe for everyone.      Community Support


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