Compliance Reporting
The Department of Civil Rights monitors contract compliance for construction and procurement contracts to ensure that local, state and federal regulations are followed by contractors working on City of Madison Public Works (PW) projects. Civil Rights will monitor all City of Madison PW projects from contract award through the final payment at the close of the project. Contractors will be required to submit reporting paperwork throughout the PW project process.
Within thirty (30) days from the effective date of a contract or purchase order with the City, and prior to the release of payment by the City, all nonexempt Vendors and Suppliers are required to submit an approvable Affirmative Action Plan. Vendors and suppliers have the option of completing;
- The model affirmative action plan approved by the Common Council
- Or their own plan that meets the requirements of Federal Revised Order No. 4, 41 CFR Part 60-2.
Exemption 14 or Fewer Contracts with individuals, partnerships, corporations, associations, or other entities including contractors, vendors, or suppliers, which employ fewer than fifteen (15) employees, qualify for an Affirmative Action Plan Exemption that can be completed online.
Exemption Less than $50K: Contracts with individuals, partnerships, corporations, associations, or other entities including contractors, vendors, or suppliers whose aggregate annual business with the City for the calendar year in which the contract takes effect is less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000), qualify for an Affirmative Action Plan Exemption that can be completed online.
Click here for online workforce reporting
Davis-Bacon Payroll Compliance LCP Tracker is the portal where all Davis-Bacon compliance reporting will be carried out. The Weekly Payroll Report, submitted by contractors, reflects the number of hours worked by each employee, their rate of pay (including fringe benefits) and their specific trade. The purpose of this report is for contractors to demonstrate the amount they are paying their employees. For wage specific jobs the payroll is compared to the wage rates listed on the wage rate determination.
You will be able to submit your payrolls here: https://prod.lcptracker.net/Accounts/Accounts/Login
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