BRT Station Accessibility Features

Metro driver

There are a number of features at bus rapid transit stations that will help everyone easily and conveniently use Metro's new service.

Those include:


All crosswalks have a lot of room, and pedestrian lights are timed so that there is a comfortable amount of time to cross to the station. 

Lights also have visual and audible cues to signal you when it's safe to head into the crosswalk. 

Ramps and station platforms are also equipped with a heated concrete system to help keep them clear of snow and ice.

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Real-Time Signs

Signs signaling when the next bus will arrive have buttons located on the post in the middle of the station that play audible information.

Ticket Vending Machines

Riders using cash are asked to purchase their fare at ticket vending machines located on BRT platforms. 

Machines have Braille instructions and a touch pad that plays audible information.

Ticket Vending Machine Information

Platform Waiting Area

Raised warning bumps on either sides of the stations let you know where to wait safely away from the edge of the platform.

Wayfinding Tiles

Wayfinding tiles on the ground also provide direction to where bus doors will open when they arrive at the station.

Multiple Bus Doors

There are doors on both sides of the bus. At most BRT stations, you’ll only board using the middle and rear doors. At some locations, you’ll be able to board using the front, middle and rear doors.

If boarding at the front of the bus, a ramp is not available, so there will be a short gap to cross.

Wheelchair users are encouraged to board using the middle doors for easiest access to the two securement areas. Look for an image on the concrete marking this boarding area.

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Bus Announcements

When the doors open, the bus will also audibly announce its route letter and destination.

As you’re traveling, listen for audible announcements to help you track where you are along the route.

When leaving buses, they will tell you which direction to walk when leaving the station.


Platforms are level with the bus so there is no need to step up to get on the bus. 

Ramps are available at every door. When doors open, short ramps extend upon request so that riders can move easily across with no slope.

Tap Fare Cards

When entering, tap your fare card at the bottom of the reader just inside every door.

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Mobility Devices

Two wheelchair securement areas are located in the front of the bus.

The first area is similar to the securement area on Metro’s current buses. 

The second area features a new automatic system that will allow you to secure your device yourself.

Watch VideoQuestions on Automatic System

Watch Testimonial Video (Green Bay)

Watch Testimonial Video (Milwaukee)

Requested Stop Signals

Pull the yellow cord or press signal buttons and touch strips when you’ve reached your stop. Touch strips are located in wheelchair securement areas.

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