1. Plan extra time in your commute!

    Expect delays as snow moves through the area. Drivers maintain schedules as conditions allow.

Fast Fares

Hand holding a Fast Fare card

Set Up Your Account!

Metro has installed a new fare system that will make riding the bus faster, easier, and more convenient. 

Pick Up A Fast Fare Card 
Set Up Your Account 

Download Fast Fare App

Android iOS

Print Information Flyer

Introducing the NEW Metro Fast Fare Card 

Features include: 

Boarding with Fast Fare

How Do Fast Fares Work?

Complete Details

Do I Have to Use a Phone or Computer to Use the New System?

No, using a phone or computer to access an online account is not required. You will still be able to pick up a reloadable Fast Fare card and load money into an account at Metro Transit, a sales outlet, or at ticket vending machines at BRT stations. 

Did Fares Change?

Yes! But, in a good way. It’s now pay-as-you-go. Instead of paying for an expensive pass up front, you will pay as you ride with fare capping.

What is Fare Capping?

Fare capping is a new way to look at fares. Here’s how it will work:

When an adult rider taps their Fast Fare card on the bus, the system charges a single ride fare of $2. The same adult continues to ride and taps every time they board. 

Once the system reads that this card hit the daily “cap” price of $5, it will no longer charge them for the rest of the day.

That same rider then continues to ride through the week and tap every time they board. When the system reads that the rider reaches the weekly cap of $16.25, rides will be free for the rest of the week.  

The most a regular adult fare will be on any day is $5, the most in any week is $16.25, and the most in a month is $65.00.

Metro’s new adult pricing is below.

Single Ride$2.00
Day Pass$5.00

What About Reduced Fares?

Metro has simplified its fares with just one reduced fare cap for youth, seniors, those with disabilities, and those with low income.  

Reduced Fare Pricing

Single Ride$1.00
Day Pass$2.50

Your accounts and fare capping will work the same as any other rider, just with a lower cost per tap.

Learn More About Half-Price Fares

How Do Transfers Work?

The 2-hour transfer window will still exist. 

Tap your card every time you ride. Transfers will be automatically tracked. Your account will only be charged after your 2-hour transfer has expired. 

Will I Still be Able to Use Cash?

Yes. You will still be able to pay with exact cash on the bus when boarding at any regular Metro stop for a local route. 

However, if you are boarding at a BRT station, you’ll need to buy a ticket or 1-day pass with cash at the ticket vending machine before boarding. 

Cash will not be accepted directly on buses at BRT stations.

Can I Pay With a Credit Card on the Bus?

This feature is coming soon! Sometime in 2025, riders will be able to pay with a contactless credit card, Google Wallet, and Apple Pay directly on every bus AND still receive the same Fast Fare benefits. 

Will There Be a Mobile App?

Yes, later on. Metro will release a Fast Fare app later in 2024. 

How will Passes from Universities, Schools and Employers Work?

Each program varies, but generally these passes will be distributed the same way as previous years. 

Metro staff are working with universities, schools, and employers to provide smartcards rather than the old magnetic striped passes.

However, please note that passes will not be distributed yearly or every semester. After initial distribution, Fast Fare cards will only be given to new employees/students, or when cards are lost or stolen. 

Replacement fees may apply depending on your program.

When and Where Will I be Able to Pick Up a Fast Fare Card?

Pick up a Fast Fare card FREE at Metro Transit, various community events or through the mail by emailing mymetrobus@cityofmadison.com.

Pick Up Details 

Can I Board With my Old Passes and 10-Ride Cards?

Yes, but only on local routes for a limited time. Riders are encouraged to exchange all old fare items with a magnetic stripe for new Fast Fare cards.

Exchanges can be done at the Metro Transit Administrative Office and various community events

If desired, we can also help you set up an account and load the remaining dollar value of your old fare items into a Fast Fare account. 

Does the 31-day Pass and 10-ride Card Option Still Exist with the New System?

Yes, but for a limited time only. Pre-loaded 31-day passes and 1-ride options will continue to be available on a limited basis in a new tap format. These options are expected to phase out by the end of 2025. 

Will I be Able to Transfer Between BRT and Other Metro Routes?

Yes. It will be the same fare system. Fare capping will apply on all Metro buses

The only exception is the paper transfer. If you pay on the bus with cash on a local route, you may be issued a paper transfer card. 

These paper transfers are not accepted at buses boarding at BRT stations, as you must tap to board. 

Buses serving BRT stations will also not issue paper transfers. Paper transfers are expected to be phased out from all Metro service by 2025. 

What Can I Purchase at the BRT Station Vending Machines?

You will be able to buy a single ride ticket or a 1-day pass. (Due to not being able to verify reduced fare eligibility, only standard adult-priced tickets or 1-ride passes are available to purchase at these machines.)

However, you can reload a Fast Fare card including all reduced fares at BRT station ticket machines. Machines will have instructions in English and Spanish, and accept cash, coins, and credit cards.

Can I Get Some Help?

Absolutely. Call (608) 266-4466 or email mymetrobus@cityofmadison.com.

Staff are available to come to your group or organization to answer questions and provide more information. 

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