
The following City of Madison Fire Department (MFD) history was taken directly from the book Capital City Courage: A History of the Madison Fire Department, 1856-1991. A special thanks goes out to the original MFD History Book Committee (Mike Fuss, Joe Conway, Jr., Shelley Conway, Terry Turnquist, Roger Bjorge, and Tommy Anderson) who put together this wonderful book on the history of the Fire Department. To get this history out to a new generation of people who use the internet as their primary source for information, we have made an attempt to summarize the department's history in a package that fits the internet information medium. The department has an incredible history and by no means does this summary tell the complete story and accomplishments of the department. However, it is hoped that the following information provides the outline of what is truly a remarkable history and that over time the information will be expanded on to give a more complete picture of the City of Madison Fire Department's history. For a much more comprehensive look at the history of the department, as well as to view amazing photos of this history, we strongly urge visitors to find a copy of the book Capital City Courage.