Winter storms and extreme cold
When temperatures drop significantly below normal, staying warm and safe can be a challenge. Learn how to protect yourself and prepare for winter storms.
Get notified of Declared Snow Emergencies, or check the radio, television, or City website to get updates about weather conditions.
Preparing for a winter storm
Prepare your home
- Make a home emergency kit for your household and for your pets.
- Get your home ready before a storm.
- Project Home WI provides help with weatherization, like air sealing and insulation. This can make a big difference to make your home safer and lower your utility bills.
- Make sure you have working carbon monoxide and smoke detectors. You can buy detectors at most hardware stores or online.
Prepare your car
- Make a vehicle emergency kit for your car.
- Get your car ready for winter weather. Have a mechanic check your car, and keep your gas tank at least half-full.
During a storm
- Stay inside. When possible, stay indoors.
- Limit outdoor time for pets. Extreme cold is dangerous for animals too.
- Dress in layers. If you have to go outside, dress in several loose-fitting layers. Wear a hat, mittens, and snow boots. Use a scarf to cover your mouth and face.
- Know the signs of frostbite and hypothermia. Call 911 if you see someone experiencing these symptoms.
- Check on your friends, family, and neighbors. Cold is more likely to hurt older adults, babies, people who spend a lot of time outside (unhoused people, hunters), and people who drink alcohol or use drugs.
Heating & Water
- Prevent frozen water pipes. Learn about preventing and thawing frozen pipes from the Red Cross.
- If a pipe bursts and you cannot shut your water off, contact Water Utility. After-hours emergency: 608-266‑4665
- Keep your home sealed. Make sure all windows are fully closed, and close your curtains, especially at night.
- Use heat sources safely. Learn about how to safely heat your home from the CDC.
- Run generators at least 20 feet from your home and garage. Learn about generator safety from Ready.gov.
Resources for Homeless Residents
On designated Cold Weather Nights, people who are unhoused are welcome at Madison homeless shelters regardless of usual capacity and shelter night limits.
View Cold Weather Night announcements, or find a shelter.
More Information
- Winter Weather, Ready.gov
- Winter weather health and safety tips, WI Department of Health Services
- Preparing for a winter storm, CDC
- Safety guidelines during and after a winter storm, CDC