MPD Pride: LGBTQIA+ Resource Group
MPD Pride Mission Statement: MPD Pride is a LGBTQIA+ resource group comprised of LGBTQIA+ employees and allies within the City of Madison Police Department. Our mission is to serve as a resource to employees within MPD by providing education, information, and support. Additionally, we serve as the points of contact for members of the LGBTQIA+ community within Madison, working to cultivate trust and to offer an additional level of support to LGBTQIA+ individuals in need of police services.
For more information, or to reach out to the group, please send an email to

from left to right, Sam Schwartz (She/they), Nicki Stapleton (she/her), Cindy Thiesenhusen (She/her) (retired), Nicole Schmitgen (she/her)

left to right: Liz Erickson (she/her), Nicki Stapleton (she/her), Nicole Schmitgen (she/her)
Crisis & Support Hotlines
- LGBT National Hotline: 888-843-4564
- LGBT National Youth Talkline: 800-246-7743
- LGBT National Senior Hotline: 888-234-7243
- Trans Lifeline: 877-565-8860
- LGBT National Coming Out Support Hotline: 888-688-5428
Medical Resources
- UW Health Gender Services Program, Adult
- UW Health PATH Clinic Children and Youth
- WPATH – Provider Directory Search
- LGBTQ Health – Wisconsin Department of Health Services
- National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center
Legal Resources
- The Law Center for Children and Families
- Marquette Volunteer Legal Clinics
- Equal Rights Division: Sexual Orientation Discrimination
- US EEOC: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Dates to Remember
Name | Date | Notes |
Agender Pride Day | May 19 | Day to promote awareness of agender individuals |
Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week | First full week after February 14 | Week to promote information and awareness about aromantic spectrum identities and the issues they face |
Asexual Awareness Week | Last full week of October | Week to promote awareness of those on the asexual spectrum |
Bisexual Awareness Week | Week surrounding September 23 | Also referred to as BiWeek, and Bisexual+ Awareness Week |
Day of Silence | April | Day varies from year to year; GLSEN's Day of Silence is an organizing tool to end the silencing effect of anti-LGBT bias. |
International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia | May 17 | The main purpose of the May 17 mobilizations is to raise awareness of violence, discrimination, abuse, and repression of LGBT communities worldwide. |
International Pronouns Day | Third Wednesday in October | An annual event that seeks to make sharing, respecting and educating about personal pronouns commonplace |
International Transgender Day of Visibility | March 31 | Celebrated to bring awareness to transgender people and their identities as well as recognize those who helped fight for rights for transgender people |
Intersex Awareness Day | October 26 | Celebrated in October to commemorate the first intersex protest, which took place in Boston, MA |
Lesbian Visibility Day | April 26 | Annual day to celebrate, recognize, and bring visibility to lesbians |
LGBT Pride Month | June | June is celebrated as Pride in honor of the Stonewall Riots, though Pride events occur all year round. It also marks the month that same-sex marriage was legalized in the United States. |
National Coming Out Day | October 11 | |
Non-Binary Awareness Week | Week surrounding July 14th, Sunday-Saturday | A week by, for, and about non-binary people, that includes celebrating non-binary people, non-binary advocacy, and educating and raising awareness about non-binary experiences and needs. Started by @NBWeek on Twitter. |
Pansexual & Panromantic Awareness Day | May 24 | Annual day to promote awareness of and celebrate pansexual & panromantic identities. |
Transgender Awareness Week | Typically second week of November | Week to educate about transgender and gender non-conforming people and the issues associated with their transition or identity. |
Transgender Day of Remembrance | November 20 | Day to memorialize those who have been murdered as a result of transphobia |
World AIDS Day | December 1 | Recognized in 1988 by the United Nations |