TDM Plan Review Process

The TDM Ordinance requires new development to implement ongoing TDM-related measures. The required amount of TDM measures depends on site location and scale, with some measures more applicable to certain uses than others. TDM measures are selected by applicants in a TDM Plan, which is what City staff review to approve a project’s compliance with the TDM Ordinance.

TDM Process

TDM Plans are required as part of the site plan review process for new development, change of use, and site alterations meeting applicable TDM requirements in MGO Section 16.03. Within a TDM Plan, required TDM points are established based on the scale of development (ex: square footage of the tenant space; the number of dwelling units) and the amount of automobile parking provided. To meet required TDM points, applicants need to select specific TDM measures that will be implemented as part of the project.

TDM measures are grouped into the following categories:

Active transportation – ex: dedicated access to bike parking

Transit – ex: provide tenants/employees transit passes

Parking – ex: unbundle parking

Shared Mobility – ex: installing a bike share station

Information – ex: active transportation wayfinding, maps, and signage

Delivery – ex: package drop-off area

Land Use – ex: proximity of development to transit service

Employer policy – ex: flexible work schedules

Applicants are responsible for determining whether their project will require a TDM Plan. If a TDM Plan is required and not provided as part of the initial submittal, the City of Madison TDM Coordinator will notify the applicant to submit a TDM Plan for review.

After the TDM Plan is deemed approvable, TDM Plan review fees will be assessed. Initial review fees are:

$100 base fee + $15/required TDM point, up to a maximum of $655 (37 TDM points)

NOTE: The TDM Coordinator has discretion to decrease required mitigation points by up to five points. Applicants requesting more than five relief points will need to file an appeal with the Transportation Commission. Reducing required TDM points is only an option for existing buildings; new buildings must meet required TDM points and are not eligible for a point reduction.

TDM Plan Administration

TDM Plans are approved as part of the site plan review process. TDM Plan approval is required before a building permit can be issued.

Within the TDM Ordinance, TDM Plans are required to be followed on a continual basis. Selected TDM measures must be implemented within two years of final certificate of occupancy issuance. After certificate of occupancy issuance, TDM Plans are valid for two years and must be recertified every two years following.

Recertification is required as long as the approved use continues, regardless of change in ownership. The recertification process requires submittal of a TDM Compliance and Recertification Plan within 60 days of two years from certificate of occupancy issuance. The recertification fee is $10 per mitigation point, up to a maximum of $370.

Failure to obtain TDM recertification will lead to enforcement action by the Department of Transportation.

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