TDM Plan Review Process
The TDM Ordinance requires new development to implement ongoing TDM-related measures. The required amount of TDM measures depends on site location and scale, with some measures more applicable to certain uses than others. TDM measures are selected by applicants in a TDM Plan, which is what City staff review to approve a project’s compliance with the TDM Ordinance.

TDM Plans are required as part of the site plan review process for new development, change of use, and site alterations meeting applicable TDM requirements in MGO Section 16.03. Within a TDM Plan, required TDM points are established based on the scale of development (ex: square footage of the tenant space; the number of dwelling units) and the amount of automobile parking provided. To meet required TDM points, applicants need to select specific TDM measures that will be implemented as part of the project.