Madison, WI – The State of Wisconsin’s Department of Public Instruction has declared the week of February 17-21 Adult School Crossing Guard Recognition Week, and the City of Madison proudly recognizes their 63 dedicated crossing guards who work…

Vision Zero archived news releases through the years. Sign up for the City's News Release emails to stay current on Madison news citywide.
Madison, WI – The State of Wisconsin’s Department of Public Instruction has declared the week of February 17-21 Adult School Crossing Guard Recognition Week, and the City of Madison proudly recognizes their 63 dedicated crossing guards who work…
Alder Nasra Wehelie is excited to continue her Lunch and Learn session for this month, featuring Traffic Engineering on Thursday, February 20, from 12 to 1 p.m. Whether you drive, bike, or walk, this virtual Lunch and Learn will offer residents a…
In recognition of World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims on Sunday, November 17th, the City of Madison will install a memorial display and host a press conference to remember the lives lost due to traffic violence on City of Madison…
Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway and Common Council has proclaimed October 15, as “White Cane Safety Day” in the City of Madison. White Cane Safety Day is a day the Council takes to advocate for and educate about the White Cane Law. Since 1964, the…
The Bikeways contract is meant to cover small improvements and repairs to the City of Madison bike network. The three projects below have been identified by planners and residents as crucial missing connections for bike accessibility, safety, and…
Since 2020, Vision Zero Madison has implemented safety improvement and speed management projects every year to enhance safe travel on City streets.
The City of Madison has been recertified as a Platinum-level Bicycle Friendly Community by the League of American Bicyclists. Every four years, the City is required to apply to continue to be designated as a Bicycle Friendly Community and since 2015…
The City of Madison was awarded 6.3 million dollars in federal funding from the US Department of Transportation’s Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant to fund Forward to Vision Zero: Safe System for Vulnerable Roadway Users projects. The…
Thursday, November 16, a group gathered in front of a memorial display located on the 100 block of State Street to hold a press conference in honor of those who have lost their lives on Madison’s streets in the past 5 years.
Sunday, November 19, 2023, marks World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims. The City will join community partners from the Vision Zero Task Force in honoring victims of traffic crashes, and their families.
Redesigning our streets to make them safer for all users is critical in meeting the goal of eliminating serious and fatal crashes. In 2023, Vision Zero improvements are happening throughout Madison, working to make our streets safer for everyone,…
The City of Madison has submitted an application for federal Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) funding to complete the final phase of the Capital City Trail. This project is critical in closing the gap between Madison and the Glacial Drumlin…
The US Department of Transportation announced the City of Madison has been selected for transportation safety planning funding as part of the US DOT Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Grant Program. The planning grant includes $267,680 in federal…
The Coronavirus (COVID 19) pandemic that created a worldwide heath emergency also brought a traffic safety crisis to the United States, and to Madison.
Sunday, November 20, 2022, marks World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims. The City will join community partners from the Vision Zero Task Force in honoring victims of traffic crashes, and their families, in Madison at a press conference on…
Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway and Common Council has proclaimed Saturday, October 15, 2022 as “White Cane Safety Day” in the City of Madison. White Cane Safety Day celebrates the achievements of people who are Blind or visually impaired. It promotes…
The next, and final, 2022 Vision Zero speed reduction takes place on Monday, October 10th on Segoe Rd, from University Ave to Odana Rd. The speed limit on Segoe Rd will reduce to 25 mph from 30 mph on the entire length of the road. This area was…
The next 2022 roadway improvement scheduled through the Vision Zero initiative takes place on Monday, September 26th to a section of Portage Rd, from East Washington Ave to Churchill Heights Park. The speed limit will be reduced to 25 mph from 30mph…
Complete Green Street Public Presentation
The next 2022 roadway improvement scheduled through the Vision Zero initiative takes place on Monday, September 12th to a section of Old Sauk Rd, from Westfield Rd to the Beltline. This roadway is a common access road that leads to the Beltline from…