Project Timeline
The 20 mph neighborhood speed limits are in line with national guidance toward lower urban speed limits to better support safety. Safe neighborhood speed limits are one part of the City’s comprehensive approach to travel safety and is an important strategy in Madison’s Vision Zero Action Plan. The plan calls for the launch of “20 is Plenty” in two neighborhoods before expanding citywide.
Preliminary Neighborhood Study
The 20 is Plenty program will be implemented in two phases. Phase 1 began in 2021 and consisted of speed limit reductions in two test areas within the City of Madison that were selected by the Transportation Commission.
The first area selected was in the Tenney-Lapham neighborhood. This area is bordered by E Johnson Street, N Blair Street, E Washington Avenue, and the Yahara River.
The Tenney-Lapham neighborhood

The Theresa-Hammersley Neighborhood

Only streets within these areas had their speed limit reduced as part of Phase 1. The speed limits in the bordering the areas remained unchanged.