3450-3614 Milwaukee St
3450 Milwaukee StRequest/Application Type: SUBDIVISION PLAT
Starkweather Plat (final), creating 13 lots for future multi-family residential and mixed-use development and 4 outlots for public uses, and 5 outlots for private uses.
Legistar Files: 84994Meetings & Review
Plan Commission: 10/07/2024Common Council: 10/08/2024
Background Information
Date Submitted: 08/30/2024Date Circulated: 08/30/2024
Comments Due: 09/27/2024
Property Owners: Starkweather, Llc
Project Contact: Jillian Hayes, Starkweather LLC
Alderperson: Dina Nina Martinez-Rutherford, District 15, district15@cityofmadison.com