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Urban Design Commission

To set up a Zoom video conference meeting with staff to discuss your application, please email

Submittal Format. Note that staff are currently only accepting digital (PDF) submittals - not paper - for all applications. While the format has changed, the list of required submittal materials, has not (see Page 2 of the UDC Application for more information).

How to Submit. All Urban Design Commission submittal materials shall be sent to Please note that an individual email cannot exceed 20 MB. It is the responsibility of the applicant to present files in a manner that can be accepted. Please email regarding questions involving any changes mentioned above or if you need alternative filing options.

Submittal Deadlines. The same submittal deadlines apply, as noted on the current Development Review Schedule. Deadlines remain on designated Mondays at 12:00 p.m., unless otherwise noted.

Review Fee Payments. The fee can be mailed in, dropped in the drop box at the Madison Municipal Building, or you can make an appointment at the Zoning counter to pay the fee. Checks should be made out to “City Treasurer.” If you mail in the check or use the drop box, please include the application form with the project address, contact information, and brief description of the project. Staff typically suggest using the drop box or making an appointment with the Zoning counter to pay the fee as they are the quickest.

Mailing Address
City of Madison Building Inspection. P.O. Box 2984. Madison, WI 53701-2984

Drop Box Location
Madison Municipal Building, Doty Street Entrance. 215 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd. Madison, WI  53701-2984

Zoning Counter Appointment


Generally the Urban Design Commission reviews planned developments, developments in urban design districts, sign exceptions, residential building complexes, development within the downtown core, and public projects. 

The Urban Design Commission Meets on the following days in 2023:

Last Updated: 07/18/2024