4002 Evan Acres Road
4002 Evan Acres RdRequest/Application Type: Rezoning (CC to PD(GDP))
Rezoning for a General Development Plan (GDP) for future construction of 26,700 sq. ft. heritage center, expanded casino, two pkg garages with 1,880 stalls, 40,800 sq. ft. conference center, hotel, & restaurant-tavern.
Legistar Files: 55573 54472Meetings & Review
Urban Design Commission: 05/08/2019Plan Commission: 06/10/2019
Common Council: 06/18/2019
Background Information
Date Submitted: 03/27/2019Date Circulated: 03/27/2019
Comments Due: 04/26/2019
Property Owners: Ho-chunk Nation
Project Contact: Peter Tan, Strang Inc
Alderperson: Jael Currie, District 16, district16@cityofmadison.com