6610-6706 Old Sauk Rd
6610 Old Sauk RdRequest/Application Type: Rezoning (SR-C1 & SR-C3 to TR-U2), Conditional Use, Demolition Permit
Demolish two single-family residences and a two-family residence to construct three-story, 138-unit apartment building on one lot
Legistar Files: 82950 83477 82972Meetings & Review
Plan Commission: 06/10/2024Common Council: 06/18/2024
Background Information
Date Submitted: 04/15/2024Date Circulated: 04/15/2024
Comments Due: 05/31/2024
Property Owners: Pierstorff, Robert
Project Contact: Jillian Hayes, Stone House Development
Alderperson: John P Guequierre, District 19, district19@cityofmadison.com