416-446 W Washington Ave & 413-417 W Mifflin St
418 W Washington AveRequest/Application Type: Conditional Use, Demolition Permit
Demolish 3 single-family residences, 4 two-family residences, 3 three-family apartment buildings, and one four-unit apartment building to construct a six-story, 162-unit apartment building on one lot.
Legistar Files: 85416 85418 84628Meetings & Review
Urban Design Commission: 11/06/2024Plan Commission: 12/02/2024
Background Information
Date Submitted: 09/27/2024Date Circulated: 09/27/2024
Comments Due: 10/25/2024
Property Owners: Ra2-416 W Mifflin St
Project Contact: Michael Hanley, CRG Acquisition LLC
Alderperson: Michael Verveer, District 4, district4@cityofmadison.com