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Spring Newsletter

Lots of New Things Coming This Year!
Metro is launching a number of new projects this year including new online bus tracking tools, new fare collection technology, and bus rapid transit.
Stay up to date by signing up for email and text alerts.
Electric Articulated Buses
Metro is adding 62 all-electric vehicles to its fleet. These new buses have 35 seats and additional standing area for more than 70 people. All together there is room for nearly 120 people to ride one of these buses.
Buses will be charged both at Metro’s maintenance facilities as well as out on the road at various charging locations that will be built this summer.
You’ve probably seen them out on the street as our drivers are taking them out to get acquainted with the feel of this new larger accordion style bus as well as the new electric driving technology.
These buses have a lot of new features that are different from our standard buses including 3 sets of doors, doors on both sides of the bus, bike racks on the inside of the bus, and an automatic wheelchair securement space.
We plan to test a couple of these buses on UW campus this summer with the full fleet being launched with the opening of Bus Rapid Transit sometime this fall.
New Fare Technology Coming This Summer
Metro is installing a new fare system that will make it faster, easier, and more convenient to ride the bus.
Features of the new system include reloadable smartcards and online accounts, multiple ride discounts without paying in advance, ticket vending machines at BRT stations, and fare readers available at all doors so that you can quickly board the bus in the front, middle and rear.
Sometime this summer you’ll be able to pick up a new Fast Fare smartcard at Metro or order through the mail. You’ll then be able to load money into your account and tap your card every time you board.
To speed up boarding at BRT stations, passengers using cash will need to purchase tickets ahead of time at a ticket vending machine.
Vending machines will accept cash, coin, and credit cards. Cash will not be accepted directly on the bus when boarding at a BRT station.
Learn more at Mymetrobus.com or look for additional bus flyers. If you’d like to schedule someone from Metro to come explain more to your group or business, call (608) 266-4466 or email mymetrobus@cityofmadison.com.
Frequently Asked QuestionsComplete Roll-Out Plan
BRT Expected to Launch Later This Fall
Route A
Depending on construction, we’re expecting to launch BRT Route A sometime this fall. Since routes were redesigned last summer, the route will operate mostly as it does now. There will be a few differences such as boarding exclusively at BRT stations and closing some additional stops that are in between.
When the system first launches, not all stations may be open right away. But, they are expected to open before the end of the year.
Route B
A second BRT route is currently being planned for Route B. Station locations and other details are being put together with public information meetings scheduled in April. Federal funding for this second BRT route was recently added to President Biden’s 2025 Proposed Budget.
Despite still being in the planning stages, Metro will operate its all-electric BRT buses on Route B starting this fall. These buses will serve BRT stations when they operate on the Route A corridor.
Route B is hoped to launch as an official BRT route in 2028. For more information, see Madisonbrt.com.
New Technology on Buses
Metro is also about to install new equipment systems on all buses which feature improved GPS tracking, a new stop announcement system, and improved online trip planning and bus tracking tools. A test group of buses with this new equipment is expected to hit the road in April.
Please be aware that new test buses may not show up in your online or app bus tracking programs. Electronic trip plans will reflect those buses being on the street, but you might not necessarily be able to track them.
Look for test buses on the street in the coming weeks. A preview of the new online trip planning and bus tracking tools will be available soon.
Onboard surveys (Spring)
Starting in April, Metro will be conducting an on-bus passenger survey. Look for surveyors on your bus and please share your thoughts with them about your ride.