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Central District Blotter

Gangs in our Community

June 15, 2016 12:52 PM




A group of three or more persons who have a common identifying sign, symbol, or name and whose members individually or collectively engage in engage in a pattern of criminal activity.



Why Do Kids join Gangs

Drawn to parties

Looking for sense of respect

Join for self protection

Way of life


What do I Look For as a Parent

Change in Attitude

Change in Friends

Supervise kids activities

Monitor social media accounts



There are multiple reasons kids join gangs and just a small number are listed above. With the school year ending and summer here we will be seeing an increase of kids outside.  With the recent violence we have seen throughout the city it is important that children have a safe place to play and enjoy themselves. 


The Gang Unit has made a conscious effort to reach out and make contact with people in community. It is important that the people know we are aware of the issues going on in neighborhoods and that their voices are being head. It's imperative that if citizens observe fights, disturbances, and graffiti to notify police. Stay safe and have fun summer!!!


Officer  C. Smith

Gang Unit Central


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