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Community Outreach Blotter

Civilian Response to Active Shooter Trainings

May 3, 2018 1:36 PM

Our next offering (free) of our Civilian Response to Active Shooter Training is scheduled for Thursday, November 15 from 6-8pm at our Training Center (5702 Femrite Drive).

This training is open to all members of the greater Madison community, although this is a mature topic and the presentation provides candid information that may not be suitable for children under the age of 10, depending on the maturity of the child.

Class Description:...
It is unfortunate that sudden violence perpetrated by an individual or individuals determined to kill innocent people is a reality in modern American communities. The good news is that the likelihood of finding yourself under fire by an active shooter is less than that of being struck by lightning. Just as you can lessen your chances of being struck by lightning, there are simple things you can do to respond effectively if you ever find yourself in this unthinkable situation. The Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE) class is a statistically based training program for all members of the Madison community interested in demystifying these frightening events. The training will include: A statistical breakdown of active shooter events, historical case studies, behavioral tools to maximize your chances of survival, table-top scenario discussions & a Q&A session w/MPD active shooter event experts.

This training will also be offered in February (2019).

We hope you decide to come to this valuable training.

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