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East District Blotter

Community Outreach with CORE (Taste of Sennett)

December 29, 2016 12:59 PM

Earlier this month Neighborhood Resource Officer Heather Dzick and members of the MPD Community Outreach and Resource Education Team, Sgt Scott Kleinfeldt and Officer Deon Johnson, along with the Sennett Families and Community Engagement Team,  planned and participated in a event at Sennett Middle School.

The goal of the program was community building. The whole family was invited into the school environment  to interact with school staff, the officers and each other  in a casual setting. The event featured pizza, provided for by donated funds of the Madison Police Community Policing Foundation, and a movie.  There were other activities for members of the family including basketball, and stuff for the younger children.

The event was very successful with lots of Sennett families joining in. These types of events build and sustain community ties, that ultimately strengthen our community.


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