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East District Blotter

Surveys are Due Soon!

December 15, 2017 9:44 AM


East Police District Residents,

As you are probably aware, the Madison Police Department has utilized surveys as an additional way to gather information and feedback from our community.  We want to know your concerns, what you are seeing in your neighborhoods, and how well the MPD is addressing your concerns.  Surveys are an opportunity for us to better understand what is important to you. 

We strive to distribute these surveys across the various police districts in order to best capture a full spectrum of feedback.  Links to this survey have been distributed to various community groups, neighborhood associations, and others, to capture the diversity of thought and concerns of the district.  The survey will be closing soon, so if you have not alreadly completed one, this is your chance to do so.

The survey takes approximately 5 minutes or less to complete and is anonymous! Please consider your "neighborhood" as any area within a 5-minute walk of your home. See the link below: 

Thank you for your time and thoughts.  Have a safe Holiday Season!

Captain Tom Snyder



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