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East District Blotter

DDATS Hwy 51 at Pflaum Rd - Traffic Safety Initiative

April 23, 2018 11:32 AM


DDATS is an acronym for Data Driven Approaches to Traffic Safety.  #DDATS is derived from a nationwide law enforcement strategy aimed at reducing traffic accidents through high visibility policing and citizen contact. Unlike DDACTS, MPD's method has been customized not to include crime data which is included in the original method.


There are seven guiding principles that are being followed:

  1. Partners & Stakeholder Participation
  2. Data Collection
  3. Data Analysis
  4. Strategic Operations
  5. Information Sharing and Outreach
  6. Monitoring, Evaluation & Adjustments
  7. Outcomes



According to statistics published by the State of Wisconsin, Department of Transportation, Dane County averaged 33 traffic fatalities per year in the five year period of 2013-2017.  That number far exceeds the number of homicides in any given year.


Law Enforcement in the Madison/Dane County area is serious about the safety of the community and we take pride in providing the highest level of service to our citizens.  The DDATS operation is an extension of that philosophy and its intent is to provide a safer and healthier community for all residents.


Data Sources:


We identified locations of concern based upon DOT crash data and MPD citation data over the past three years. A number of problematic intersections were identified. Ultimately, we hope to replicate efforts at other locations, but in order to obtain enough data and make this project manageable for the East District personnel, only one intersection was selected for our pilot.


Goals of this Project:


  1. Reduce traffic crashes
  2. Reduce overall social harm
  3. Instill positive interactions with the community


Why Hwy 51 at Pflaum Road:


  • 1,359 total crashes along Hwy 51 (East Washington Ave to Hwy 12/18). This stretch of road accounts for 26% of all of the East districts crashes.
  • Seven major intersections along Hwy 51, between East Washington Ave and Hwy 12/18. 18% (242) of the 1,359 crashes along Hwy 51 occurred at Hwy 51 & Pflaum Rd.
  • Intersection is near three schools.
  • Police visibility may have positive impacts on immediate businesses/residential neighborhoods in the area.
  • Police visibility here will likely provide positive residual effect on other major intersections.
  • Frequent pedestrian foot traffic across the busy highway.
  • Neighborhood Association/Alders very supportive of increased traffic enforcement and police visibility in this area.
  • Intersection is not one in which not much traffic enforcement appears to occurring (based on 2017 citation data).
  • Multiple traffic violations were witnessed while conducting field work.
  • Intersection is far enough from the DDATS project the DCSO is implementing on Hwy 30.

For more information, please contact:

Captain Thomas Snyder

East Police District

Madison Police Department

809 S. Thompson Drive

Madison, WI  53714

Office:  608-267-2100


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