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East District Blotter

Med Drop Box

September 25, 2014 6:54 PM

In America, at least 70% of people are taking one or more prescriptions and the average senior has five prescription medications to take each day. Due to changing prescriptions and the altering of dosages, cabinets in our homes tend to become stockpiles of differing prescriptions, many that are not being used or are expired. Keeping these medications around the home has been linked to accidental poisoning in children, drug addiction, overdose, and the illegal sale of controlled substances.*

Getting rid of these bottles of pills is not as simple as tossing them into the garbage, or flushing them as has been done in the past. These methods of disposal are harmful for the environment because of the chemicals that will end up in our landfill or water supply. Keeping old medications stockpiled in the medicine cabinet can lead to unlawful use and abuse of prescription meds, as they are frequently targeted in thefts and burglaries.


MPD has been a drop off collection site since 2010, and we have collected over 5932 pounds. MPD offers the drop off service Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.  The convenient bin in located in the East Police District lobby with instructions and supplied bags.  We are located at 809 S. Thompson Rd (near Cottage Grove at the Interstate).

Drop off is also available at an event this weekend sponsored by U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). National Prescription Take Back days will be done at several area jurisdictions including Monona Police, Cottage Grove Police, Oregon Police, and Stoughton Police. This is an opportunity for community members to dispose of their unused or expired medications if our weekday hours do not work for you. This event is on Saturday, September 27th from 10 am until 2 pm.


With all these opportunities to dispose of those lingering, expired and unused meds why not get them out of the medicine cabinet.




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