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East District Blotter

Community Police Team

June 6, 2016 5:33 PM

Our newest officers at MPD have just hit the street for thier solo assignments. As a result our Communtiy Police Teams are again fully staffed to deal with neighborhood problems and concerns that benefit from a team approach.

Each of of East CPT Officers has a list of neighborhoods that they monitor for problems and concerns. They also serve as liaisions to those neighborhood associations and groups. The important part for you to know is that if you have a neighborhood concern or issue and it does not need an emergency or immediate response, you can contact your liaison officer in the CPT to address questions, or share concerns. The main phone number for the team is 266-5945. Even if you do not know the name of your officer yet, give a call to share your concerns. The assigned area officer will call you back. Another option if you prefer not to call, is to send an e-mail to Sgt. Will Quast,,  who leads the team. Your concern or issue will be directed to the correct officer for follow-up.

The East Community Police Team works a wide variety of assignments, from investigations of suspicious activity, to traffic inforcement (generally based on neighborhood complaints/concerns), to chronic problems, and  communtiy outreach.

With the addition of the fifth officer we have adjusted the liaison assignements. Even if you do not know which neighborhood association you may live in, or if your area does not have a formal association, we are here to help so don't hesitatie to contact the CPT.

The current assignments for liaisons to neighbors:

Officer Dao Xiong

East Moorland, Carpenter-Ridgeway, Hawthorn, Schenk/Atwood/Starkweather


Officer Ken Snoddy

Ridgewood, Worthington Park, Sycamore/McArthur, Heistand, Hotel/Motels


Officer Kevin Dunnington

Owl Creek/Twin Oaks, East Buckeye, Richmond Hills, Elvehjem, Gangs


Officer Thai Xiong

Reston Heights, Sprecher East, Burk Heights, Heritage Heights, Rolling Meadows, Bars/Parks


Officer Chris Frank

Mayfair Park, Glendale, Lake Edge, E. Washington Ave. corridor

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