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East District Blotter

Chat with Your Patrol Officer: Fireside Five-Oh

July 6, 2016 11:43 AM

MPD East Officers recently met with some Eastmorland neighbors at the home of a resident as part of the Fireside Five-Oh program. These living room conversations take place at a home with the officers who serve your area.  This program gives you direct access to those officers who serve your area of the City on a regular basis.

The positive feedback from the involved residents and neighbors speaks for itself:

"Officer Dzick and Officer Van Hoven were very professional, easy to talk with and actually listened to us.  I believe lots of good ideas were presented by the neighborhood, your Officer's listened, took notes, and were very honest with us which really impressed me."

So, if you are interested in hosting contact us.  Send an e-mail to Officer Heather Dzick at to coordinate the chat.


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