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East District Blotter

Tag: #NightlyLockup

November 21, 2022 2:43 PM

The snow is flying and the holiday season is upon us. That usually means cars are warming and more packages are mailing. Typically an increase in stolen running cars with the keys left inside and stolen packages left outside is not far behind. Here are a few reminders to be safe this … [read more]

January 22, 2020 11:16 PM

I have read several reports over the past few days of reported car shopping where individuals are walking down streets in neighborhoods, trying every car door. Please don't become a theft victim, lock your cars, homes and garages! [read more]

December 19, 2019 7:46 AM

With the holiday season almost upon us, a few reminders from our Crime Analysts if you are leaving town on home safety. Keep lights on inside your home, consider using a timer Make sure motion lights outside your home are operational (check your bulbs) Notifify your neighbors you will … [read more]

December 4, 2019 7:38 AM

I know it may be nice to get into a warm car in the morning but we have seen a significant uptick all over the city of stolen cars that were "Warming up". With today's modern technology, a number of studies have shown that warming your car is not helpful to your engine. It is now just a … [read more]

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