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Crime Prevention Blotter

Burglary Prevention Tips

June 5, 2019 11:10 AM

On behalf of the Madison Police Department Burglary Crime Unit, Happy Summer! We hope it is a safe one for you and yours. To assist in that endeavor, we have some tips to keep you, your residences and properties safe.

As the supervisor of the BCU, I review the vast majority of case reports that come in from around the City. As a result, recurring themes and crime trends surface. I would like to share with you which tactics will be most beneficial to curb your chances of a burglary:


  • Keep doors locked, even when you are inside or doing yard work. Double check your overhead garage door is secure at night. Keep vehicles locked, even in the garage. Do not keep keys and garage door openers in your vehicle. Many of the stolen vehicles in the City are the result of open doors and keys/garage door openers left accessible.
  • Underground parking is not 100% safe. Keep your vehicle doors locked and valuables in your apartment.
  • Campus/student housing is especially vulnerable. The more roommates, the more likely doors are left open for residents and burglars alike.
  • If you see something, say something: vehicles driving slowly in neighborhoods at 3am; individuals walking through neighborhoods during the night/early morning with backpacks – all not normal – call 911 with a good description.
  • Video helps us investigate more so than deter. Video surveillance systems have helped us identify and charge many burglars. They are wonderful investigative tools. Be mindful, however, that the presence of a security system is not a failsafe deterrent.
  • Write down the serial numbers of any valuables, tools, and firearms. Take pictures of jewelry. We can trace stolen items nationwide.

Detective Sergeant Tracie Jokala
City of Madison Police Department – Burglary Crimes Unit


Please visit the MPD Crime Prevention page for more resources:

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