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Crime Prevention Blotter

Prevent burglaries - Close your windows!

May 19, 2014 11:29 AM

As the weather finally warms this week, many of us will be airing out our homes and opening windows to enjoy the spring air.  When you leave your homes this week, please remember that windows should be shut and locked if you are leaving your home unoccupied.  Opportunistic burglars are also aware of the weather and will be looking for homes that have been left by residents with windows open.  Every year MPD officers respond to burglaries that could have been prevented if a window had been shut and locked.   

If you must leave a window open for ventilation or know you are somewhat forgetful, consider investing in a window guard or stopper.  Window guards are typically available at most hardware stores and allow slider windows to only be opened a small amount (depending on where you install them).  This is also a nice safety addition for those with small children. 

Enjoy the weather and don't let a burglar ruin your week!

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