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Crime Prevention Blotter

"Grandma" phone scams

June 5, 2014 1:42 PM

The Madison Police Department and Crime Prevention Unit need your help in stopping "Grandma" may have heard of these before.  Crime Stoppers received two recent reports of the "Grandma" scam in the Madison area.

Here is how the scam works...A victim answers the phone and the suspect says, "Grandma?"  In many instances, the victim responds by saying the name of their grandson.  At this point the suspect says, "Yes this is" and they repeat the name of the grandson.  The suspect then says he is in trouble, needs money for bail or some other emergency and asks that the victim not tell his parents.

If you have any information about these scams or have received the "Grandma call" please contact Madison Area Crime Stoppers on the web at or call 266-6014.

Have a safe week!

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