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Crime Prevention Blotter

Safety Tip of the Week

March 28, 2016 9:13 AM

The Madison Police Department and Crime Prevention Unit need your help in stopping home improvement scams.

With warmer temperatures Madison may see an increase in home improvement scams.

The Scammer goes door to door offering to do repairs on your home or driveway. The important thing to remember is that this is un-solicited. 

One of the scams is to report damage that is hard to see. Damage to roofs, chimneys, air ducts, and other water damage related issues. The scammer may provide official looking business documents and even provide a repair report that you didn't ask for.

The Scammer may provide references or a web link.  Be careful of paying before any work is started.

Anyone soliciting to provide a service door to door must register with the City of Madison and carry the permit with them.

To schedule a personal safety course for your business or organization, contact Madison Police Department Crime Prevention Coordinator Rodney Wilson at or call 608-266-4238.  

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