Street Project City Stakeholders
Every street project is different, but generally, each City agency handles a certain area of our road reconstruction projects. When you have questions, knowing who to ask can be challenging when each project takes a full team, with multiple City agencies contributing to the project. Here is what you need to know to get your answers quicker:

City of Madison Engineering Division
City Engineering leads road reconstruction projects. You will likely get letters in the mail from City Engineering because we lead and oversee each road, sidewalk and bike path project. This includes leading the process to getting the design approved, contractors hired, public input, public notification and coordination between all City agencies, among other duties. The engineer in charge of the respective project is the lead point person, or the project manager. Sometimes the City hires a consultant if the project is larger than what City resources can support. If this is the case, your City Engineering Project Manager is a good person to start to connect with the consultant.
Engineering can answer questions about your design, contractors, process, timeline, progress, any hurdles, and give feedback to the design as a whole.
City of Madison Traffic Engineering Division
This City agency helps with the traffic flow, traffic studies, traffic signals, lighting and signage within the road reconstruction project.
Traffic Engineering can answer questions about street geometry, light distribution, traffic signal timing, etc.
City of Madison Metro Transit
This City agency steps in when a bus line is impacted, or if a new line may be added to the area. Metro Transit is also involved when new bus pads, bus stops need to be installed.
Metro Transit will help answer questions about bus line impacts from the road reconstruction or any proposed changes to the system due to the project.
City of Madison Parks Division
Parks is involved when a street project abuts a City park. A sidewalk or parking adjacent to a park may be impacted by the project and the project manager will coordinate with the Parks Division to minimize inconvenience.
Parks can answer questions about an adjacent park or any plans for improvements to that park in the future. Contact Madison Parks.
City of Madison Finance Department
If you have questions about the invoicing of assessments, or payment plans, involving your project, please see the Finance Department website. Questions regarding the purpose and amount of assessments can be directed to the City Engineering project manager. Also, learn more about how assessments work on our Assessments page.