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East District Blotter

2013 Community Survey Results

April 7, 2014 2:27 PM

First off, I would like to thank all of the neighbors in the East District who participated in the community survey. In total, we had 264 participants give feedback. Your participation in the survey will help focus our continued work in the East neighborhoods.

Many of you reported that speeding continues to be a problem in your area. With that being said, speeding is one of the toughest things to target and enforce. Behavior of motorists will change while enforcement is present and then generally return to preexisting levels once enforcement is gone. A good place to start with neighborhood traffic concerns is to talk with neighbors. It is not unusual to find that speeders in a particular neighborhood are those who live there. If you have identified areas that need attention, we urge you to send us specific information. You can report traffic concerns electronically at Please be sure to provide as much detail as possible.

There were some concerns with burglary, break-ins, and vandalism. About 36 percent of respondents said that burglary and break-ins were small but noticeable issues. Another 39 percent of respondents said that vandalism was also a small issue. The survey mentioned bad street lighting in some areas and this may tie in with break-in and burglary issues. So far in 2014, burglaries were down a bit, probably due to the harsh weather. We all need to be mindful with opening windows as the weather improves. Most crime is driven by opportunity...

Again, I would like to thank our neighbors for their participation in the community survey. In order for us to work together, we need to know what your concerns are in your neighborhoods. Please do not hesitate to contact the liaison officer for your area to discuss your concerns, We know the importance of the community around us and stress community involvement. The community's opinions and suggestions are always welcome.

More detailed information on the survey is located at

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