Available Trainings
The Department of Civil Rights offers numerous trainings for city staff and community members. The list below focuses on anti-discrimination trainings and is not exhaustive. Reach out to resji@cityofmadison.com if you would like to learn about equity and social justice trainings or dcr@cityofmadison.com for other trainings.
Anti-Discrimination Trainings
These standard trainings last 90 minutes. To find out more about these trainings, including scheduling, contact dcr@CityofMadison.com.
Arrest/Conviction Record Discrimination
The purpose of this workshop will be to review types of adverse actions related to an individual’s arrest record and conviction record in employment. This training will discuss employer/employee/applicant rights and responsibilities, as well as best practices for employers.
Discrimination and Workers Rights
Learn about the discrimination enforcement laws that protect employees from certain conduct by employers, what activities/actions are protected, best practices used by employees and employers, and where one can go to get help or services if needed.
Fair Employment Practices
The purpose of this workshop will be to review fair employment practices as related to workplace discrimination. This training will discuss employer/employee/applicant rights and responsibilities, as well as best practices for employers.
Homelessness & Physical Appearance Discrimination
The purpose of this workshop will be to review types of adverse actions related to an individual’s homelessness status and/or physical appearance which can constitute discrimination. This training will discuss individual rights and responsibilities, as well as best practices for library employees.
RaISE: Referrals and Interviews for Sustainable Employment
The purpose of this workshop will be to inform the public about how the job skills bank can assist them in obtaining meaningful employment. This workshop will walk participants the job skills bank application process, discuss next steps for applicants, and inform participants about how the Department of Civil Rights can assist them.
National Origin/Ancestry Discrimination
The purpose of this workshop will be to review types of adverse actions related to an individual’s national origin and/or ancestry which can constitute discrimination. This training will discuss individual rights and responsibilities, as well as best practices for agencies conducting business within the City of Madison.
Race and Color Discrimination
The purpose of this workshop will be to review types of adverse actions related to an individual’s race which can constitute discrimination. This training will discuss individual rights and responsibilities, as well as best practices for agencies conducting business within the City of Madison.
Sex Discrimination & Harassment
The purpose of this workshop will be to review types of adverse actions related to an individual’s sex which can constitute discrimination. This training will discuss individual rights and responsibilities, as well as best practices for agencies conducting business within the City of Madison.
Social Media
The purpose of this workshop is to discuss how human resources personnel are using the information on social media sites when making hiring decisions. What kinds of implications does this have on applicants?
Specialized Trainings
The Department of Civil Rights can work with you to provice specialized trainings that last 3-4 hours. There is a $50 per person fee for specialized trainings. There may be additional costs for larger groups and trainings outside of the City of Madison. An example of a specialized training, in this case Implicit Bias, follows.
Implicit Bias
Everyone has biases that shape how we see the world. Unconscious bias allows us to process complex information and assists us with decision making. The purpose of this workshop will be to understand how unconscious biases are formed and learn how we can challenge our own biases. The workshop will also discuss how unconscious bias impacts the way we perceive and interact with people different from ourselves and how unconscious bias can lead to discrimination.