Beneficiary Designations - What Happens to My Account When I Die?
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Course Description
Death is never easy to talk about, but it’s important to know where your money is going. Learn what happens to your WRS account when you pass away, why it's important to designate a beneficiary and the importance of keeping your account up to date.
By the end of this webinar, you will be able to:
- Define beneficiary and standard sequence.
- Explain the importance of a beneficiary form.
- Identify who or what could be a beneficiary.
- Select the appropriate beneficiary form.
- Update your beneficiary.
Presented by: Wisconsin Department of Employee Trust Fund
Note, this is an external course hosted by ETF and marketed by the HR-OD Team. If you have questions about the webinar, please use ETF's Contact Information. If you have questions about City of Madison Retirement, please reach out to Retirement Specialist, VLarson@cityofmadison.com.